
Libertarian Quotation List

The Knoxville blog No Silence Here, via Blue Collar Muse, offers a lengthy libertarian quote list. I usually dislike quotation lists, as the quotes are often out of context, and consequently misused. Still, there are some gems here, including this from Tacitus: “The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates.” The quotation is a…

Libertarians: The Time for Liberty Video

The Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate, Bob Barr, has his own channel on YouTube, as do many candidates and parties. There are more libertarians, by far, than registered members of the LP. Whether in or outside the LP, libertarians are united in a conviction that liberty is the foundation of a well-ordered community. Here is a…

What Whitewater Needs Now…

This morning, I asked a single – but perhaps puzzling – question: What did Burt Bacharach and Jackie DeShannon know in 1965 that Whitewater’s city manager, officials, politicians, so-called ‘people of influence,’ and press do not understand even now? Here’s the answer. In 1965, singer Jackie DeShannon had a pop hit with Burt Bacharach’s “What…

Bob Barr’s Campaign as Summer Begins

The New York Times has a story today on Bob Barr, the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party. One might expect that a liberal paper might want to exaggerate the strength of Barr’s candidacy at McCain’s expense. Actually, it’s a fair look at where Barr stands as summer begins: the potential to do better than…

The LP Nominee

Bob Barr, former GOP congressman from Georgia, and a member of the Libertarian Party since 2006, is now the LP nominee for president. He has four main political positions: (1) Significantly reduce the size of government, (2) promote individual liberty, (3) a national defense based on non-intervention, and (4) ‘securing’ our borders (point 4 being…

The LP Convention

The Libertarian Party has concluded its 2008 party convention, nominating former Republican representative Bob Barr on the sixth ballot. Barr defeated a field of six other candidates, some longstanding LP members, and many to the libertarian-left (as Barr is to the libertarian-right). The Denver convention saw over 600 delegates listen, speak, debate, and vote on…

The LP

Although millions of Americans identify themselves as libertarians, a far smaller number are registered members of the Libertarian Party (LP). The LP was founded on December 11th, 1971, in the home of David Nolan. At the time, neither the Republican nor Democratic parties offered much for those committed to smaller government and peaceful commerce over…

Libertarians and the LP

There are millions of self-identified libertarians in America, but a significantly smaller number of libertarians who are members of the Libertarian Party (LP). Over at the independent Cato Institute, David Boaz has a post, “Libertarian Voters and the Libertarian Party,” describing the number of libertarians in America and in the LP. Boaz notes that the…

Bob Barr’s Week

Yesterday, Bob Barr, former Republican representative from Georgia, announced his candidacy (after earlier establishing an exploratory committee) for the Libertarian Party (LP) nomination. The nomination will be decided in the next week. Barr faces, among others, a collection of longstanding LP candidates and party members. I do not have a preferred candidate in the 2008…

The LP and Libertarians

There are many libertarians, affiliated with either major political party, or voting mostly as independents. There is also a Libertarian Party (LP for short), but its numbers are far less than the number of American who self-identify as libertarians. Like many small parties, the LP lacks some of the structure and formality of the two…

Bob Barr Update, 4/29

Bob Barr is the former Georgia congressman considering a presidential run under the Libertarian Party (LP) banner. (I don’t yet have a preferred presidential candidate in the race. The LP is fascinating because it could always take an odd turn…) Barr’s exploratory committee website lists the amount that he has raised as about 46,000 dollars.…

The Declaration of Independence and Anonymity

I received an email from someone from Stoughton who wrote contending that, because the Declaration of Independence was a signed document, one could infer that America’s founders disliked anonymous speech. Here’s a portion of the email: And when it came time to drop the biggest, loudest, revolutionary document of them all, The Declaration of Independence,…

Environmental Groups

Some have asked me, after my post on Earth Day, if there’s an environmental group that seems more market-oriented, and willing to try private solutions to bring about conservation. Well, that would have to be the Nature Conservancy. They purchase land and, in almost all cases, keep the land off the market for further transactions…