
Bob Barr Update: Reason‘s David Weigel Reports

Over at Reason, Hit & Run, David Weigel writes, “Bob Barr Has a Posse. Maybe.” I agree, but most especially with the ‘maybe.’ Barr’s running under 30,000 dollars in website-collected contributions as of today. That’s hardly anything. (I assume that the figure represents website-only contributions; if it’s all contributions, he’s in far worse shape.) Weigel…

Barr’s Website Fundraising Stats

Well, he’s had an exploratory website since the weekend, but possible Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr has so far raised only about 20,000 through that site. Senators Clinton, Obama, and McCain probably spend that much on dry cleaning. Unless Barr’s not listing non-website contributions, he’s off to a slow start. (For an earlier post on…

Bob Barr

Over the weekend, Libertarian (and former Republican) Bob Barr announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee to pursue the Libertarian Party nomination. One can be a libertarian without being a member of the Libertarian party, or any political party. (One of the strengths of Wisconsin election law is that it does not require party…

WISN’s Mark Belling on Free Whitewater

Yesterday, on his afternoon show at WISN radio, 1130 AM in Milwaukee, Mark Belling spoke about Free Whitewater, and municipal actions against this website. I did not have a chance to catch the program live, but heard about it later, and listed to the segment via the WISN website. Although Belling’s no fan of anonymous…

David Boaz: The Politics of Freedom

I came home last night, and saw that my copy of The Politics of Freedom, by David Boaz of the Cato Institute, had arrived. Boaz, naturally, advocates a libertarian approach to the challenges — and opportunities — before America. Anyone who visits the website of the Cato Institute will see that those writing there are…

To the Municipal Opponents of Free Speech

Good afternoon, readers from across Wisconsin. Earlier this Sunday, the Wisconsin State Journal‘s veteran reporter, Dee Hall, published a story describing my recent experiences as a blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin. It’s on the front page of the State Journal, and is entitled, “Whitewater Police Pursue Anonymous Blogger, Critic.” Her story recounts how City of Whitewater…

Front Page: The Wisconsin State Journal Covers Municipal Actions Against Free Whitewater Website

Good morning, readers from across Wisconsin. This Sunday, March 16th, the Wisconsin State Journal‘s veteran reporter, Dee Hall, published a story describing my recent experiences as a blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin. It’s on the front page of the State Journal, and is entitled, “Whitewater Police Pursue Anonymous Blogger, Critic.” The story details how City…

Two Libertarian Websites

Libertarians are — more than ever — a part of the American mainstream, and here are two websites that I suggest for those interested in more on libertarian thinking. Both main websites have their own accompanying blogs. First, the Cato Institute, and its blog, Cato@Liberty, are always interesting. Cato’s motto is “Individual Liberty, Free Markets,…