
Destroying Cato to Save It

Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, Jonathon Adler’s March 2nd Post, Koch v. Cato, describes the inevitable consequence of a Koch-controlled Cato Institute: Whatever the merits of the Kochs’ claim, I cannot understand how their actions can, in any way, advance the cause of individual liberty to which they’ve devoted substantial sums and personal efforts over…

The Kochs Sue to Control the Cato Institute

Since 1977, the Cato Institute has been America’s chief libertarian think tank. Cato had four shareholder-founders: Ed Crane, Charles Koch, George Pearson, and William Niskanen. Following Niskanen’s death last fall, there’s been an ongoing, behind-the-scenes controversy about what would happen to Niskanen’s shares in the organization. Would the shares go to his widow, or does…

The Tea Party’s Tepid Support for Ron Paul

The Tea Party’s not even warm for Ron Paul, and CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield asks Dick Armey why that’s so. Armey doesn’t speak for every Tea Party group (Banfield’s introduction actually inflates his role within that movement). Still, why? Although I don’t think Paul’s libertarian enough, that shouldn’t stop the Tea Parties from favoring him…

How Selfish Politicians Use the Poor or Children to Protect Wasteful Programs that Have Nothing to Do with the Poor or Children

It’s a cruel game to defend government spending on the well-fed with the lament that spending cuts must be stopped, lest the poor and vulnerable suffer. The poor and vulnerable will not suffer in a society that reduces spending on corporate welfare, sham job-creation programs, so-called business-development grants, and spending on weapons so expensive and…

May 2nd to May 6th: the Libertarian National Convention

The LP’s announced its national convention, 5.2.12 to 5.6.12 in, of course, Las Vegas. (The convention is there not principally for the freewheeling atmosphere, but because flights and hotel deals are cheaper for some activists on a budget. It’s a simple affair compared with the GOP or Democratic Conventions.) Press release follows: The 2012 National…

LP Calls for Regulating Marijuana like Wine

America regulates marijuana, mostly, by prohibition. Despite criminalizing cannabis, and spending vast sums to find, fine, arrest, and jail pot smokers, the level of actual consumption seems unchanged. (Americans, by the way, are increasingly supportive of marijuana decriminalization. Government officials can only sell expensive ineffectiveness for so long. The trend toward decriminalization is clear.) I’ve…

The Libertarian Party’s New Executive Director

The national LP picked Carla Howell, of the Center for Small Government, to be its next executive director. (For more about the Center, see Center for Small Government: “Small Government is Beautiful”.) Her longstanding commitment to small government (advocated from her home state of Massachusetts) will leave her in good shape as the party’s ED.…

Pew Poll on Americans’ Views of Libertarians

I posted earlier on a Pew poll surveying Americans’ views of the words capitalism and socialism, but there’s something in the poll about their views of libertarianism, too. Although the overall public’s view is evenly split between favorable and unfavorable, younger, upcoming generations disproportionately favor libertarianism: The American public remains divided over the word libertarian, with 38% offering a positive reaction, 37% a…