
Who is a Ron Paul supporter?

There’s a story at the Washington Post website describing GOP candidate Ron Paul’s supporters. They’re younger, more secular, and more dedicated than other Republicans. That they’re disproportionately younger suggests to me that they’re not from movement families (that is, they’re not from old and longstanding libertarian households). Paul, to his credit, has attracted an energetic,…

John Stossel wonders: Will 2012 be a Libertarian Year?

I don’t know, really, but I’m inclined to answer paradoxically that it’s never a libertarian year, and yet it’s always one. If one means by libertarian year the election of lots of libertarians, then the answer’s surely no. There are lots of Republicans and Democrats, not lots of Libertarians. Yet, if one means that libertarian…

Gingrich Declares Paul Worse than Obama

There’s a lot more to say about Ron Paul between now and the January 3rd Iowa caucuses, but it’s too funny that Newt Gingrich finds Paul objectionable  to ‘virtually every decent American.’ Gingrich – a man of plentiful hyperbole – held back with virtually every decent American?  Who’s beyond virtually every – Paul’s family? Gingrich has been at the top of national polls…

Offices, Debates, Local Politics

I get a good amount of mail, with all sorts of topics. Now and again, people will write to me, and ask if I’d ever run for office. Some ask with simple curiosity, others as a rebuke (as though if one would not run for office, then there’s some lack of public-spiritedness to blame). I’ve…

Libertarian-leaning Ron Paul Clocks Newt Gingrich

Too, too funny — libertarian Ron Paul hits Newt Gingrich from the right, using conservatives (many of whom Paul himself rejects!), to disparage Gingrich as a money-grubbing, shifty, business-as-usual politician. Gingrich’s problem is that Paul’s right: Gingrich really is a money-grubbing, shifty, business-as-usual politician. Via Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy – YouTube.

Thanksgiving News Update from the Institute for Justice

Here’s a holiday recap of projects ongoing at the Institute for Justice: Happy Thanksgiving! We wanted to send you a quick update on what the Institute for Justice has been up to over the past month. Live in Connecticut? Want brighter teeth? It’s a felony for anyone but a licensed dentist to offer teeth-whitening services.…

The Libertarian Party’s HQ at the Watergate Building

I’ve read that the national LP is looking at new digs, as their current lease in the mostly vacant, rat-infested Watergate Building expires soon, and they’ve no interest in renewing. (They’d like to buy something and pay it off quickly.) The Watergate, meanwhile, has a better future as an historical reference and a term for…

On Poverty Spending

Libertarians believe in ‘limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and peace.” Limited government means less spending (and so fewer taxes, and a lower public debt). That doesn’t mean there should be no spending. People have a right to defend themselves (defense, policing) even if we may spend too much in those areas (influential defense contractors…