
Wisconsin Assembly Bill 173

Yesterday, Rep. Don Pridemore’s Arizona-syle immigration legislation received a numerical designation: Assembly Bill 173. The full text of the bill is online at the Legislature’s website. The bill has the following initial sponsors: “Representatives Pridemore, Wynn, LeMahieu, Kleefisch, Steineke and Jacque; Cosponsored by Senator Lasee.” One could have expected Wynn to support this measure. His…

The Government’s War on Cameras

Photography and recordings do much to safeguard citizens’ rights and protect honest officers against false accusations. Places in which officials discourage lawful, constitutional photography are ones in which officials not only act outside the law but also imprudently. There will be fewer injustices, and better policing, in a word of expansive photographers’ rights. By the…

Impediments to Second Amendment Rights

There a story over at the Janesville Gazette that catalogs the objections that some police leaders have to concealed carry rights (and probably to many other gun rights). See, Law enforcement against concealed-carry legislation. I doubt that opposition to gun rights is nearly so strong among field officers as it is among administrators. In any…

Bollywood vs. Bin Laden: Why radical Islam fears pop culture

Here’s the description accompanying the video: Even before Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. soldiers, his brand of anti-modern, anti-pleasure Islam was under attack by Bollywood, India’s pop culture juggernaut that boasts a global audience of 3 billion people. As Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia explains, Bollywood movies and videos appeal to…

A Victory in the Food Truck Wars

I’ve written before about the anti-consumer battle against food trucks, and efforts to deny consumers convenient access to the popular, varied, and inexpensive fare that food trucks offer. See, Institute for Justice Defends the Rights of Street Vendors. In El Paso, where that city had tried to zone food trucks away from potential patrons, there’s…

Why the MacIver Institute’s Not Libertarian

….Brett Healy, president of the conservative John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy in Madison, said it’s important to distinguish between public and private sector unions. “Unions originally were established to help a group of individuals come to a reasonable agreement with their employer,” he said. “In this case, the employer is the government. So…

The Transportation Security Administration’s Latest Outrage

The ACLU issued the following message about the Transportation Security Administration, and that agency’s latest intrusion on Americans’ liberties. In the pursuit of a false security, this agency distorts civil society, badgers citizens, and particularly terrifies children. Note, also, the damage these agents inflict: they speak to children in ways beguiling and undermining of a…

Glenn Harlan Reynolds: Old Enough to Fight, Old Enough to Drink –

I have never supported a ‘big-drinking’ culture. Alcohol is best consumed moderately, enjoyed leisurely, with agreeable company. Wisconsin has seen more than her share of drinking tragedies, made far worse by stubborn insistence that, if only enforcement becomes severe enough, we’ll be able to stop further tragedies. We won’t. No level of enforcement tried or…

Thirty-Five Million’s Not the Answer

You may have heard that UW-Whitewater’s in line for thirty-five million in construction spending. All those millions, but still a march of UW-Whitewater professors to Madison to protest the governor’s budget. (I posted on the trek, as reported in the Janesville Gazette, on March 23rd at Daily Wisconsin.) Why would they walk all that way?…