
Executive Q&A: ‘I believe in the American dream’

Yes — no better opportunities in all the world: “I believe in the American dream,” said [accountant Julia] Arata-Fratta. “This is a country of opportunity. If you work hard, you are rewarded.”That meant learning the language and renewing her tax accounting skills to re-enter the work force. Now, she’s dedicated to making it easier for…

God and gods

I’ve mentioned something of Nietzsche recently, but it’s another German philosopher I’ve in mind today. (Of Nietzsche, see Nietzsche and the Dark Hope Against a Better Local Politics.) Centuries before Nietzsche, a German theologian observed that everyone has a god, if not a faith in God: So, too, whoever trusts and boasts that he possesses…

Institute for Justice Fights to Unleash Free Speech

It’s not too much to ask that American business people — like all other citizens — should be allowed the rights of a free people. Unfortunately, not every local official understands or respects those rights. Consider the illegitimate and unconstitutional restrictions that Arlington, Virginia wants to place on Kim Houghton’s liberty. The Institute for Justice…

Bill of Rights Day: Libertarians, National Archives celebrate

Here’s more on yesterday’s Bill of Rights day: On Dec. 15, 1791, the ten amendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights were ratified. In 1941, in honor of the amendments’ 150th anniversary, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the date a holiday: Bill of Rights Day. The National Archives this year held a…

U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011

As we should, as a free press is a fundamental part of our heritage — Press Statement Philip J. Crowley Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs Washington, DC December 7, 2010 The United States is pleased to announce that it will host UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day event in 2011, from May 1 – May…

How Capitalism Saved the Pilgrims | Cato @ Liberty

Daniel Griswold wasn’t the only one whose father told him the truth about how the Pilgrims survived. It’s a story worth repeating each year, generation to generation — When I was growing up, my father would occasionally tell me the story around this time of year of how private property rights saved the Pilgrims from…