
Libertarians Oppose Abusive TSA Strip-Search Machines

The Libertarian Party of America issued the following press release about the Transportation Security Administration’s excessive security policies — WASHINGTON – Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle commented today on the Transportation Security Administration’s use of strip-search machines at airports. Hinkle said, “The TSA should end the strip-search machine program immediately. “We’ve reached a point where…

Jeremy Lott on William F. Buckley Jr.’s Faith and Politics

I have never been a great fan of National Review, but over the years I have come to admire its founder’s principled, diligent, often iconoclastic, and (over time) increasingly libertarian political views. He made mistakes, surely, but he acknowledged them. Buckley was an honest, serious, and courageous man. Here’s a description that accompanies Reason’s interview…

Preparing Cuba for the free market from the US | PRI.ORG

Easier said than done, though certainly worth doing: Cuba is flirting with free-market reforms, while Cuban Americans try to help prepare the country for life under a version of capitalism. (This story’s from the left-of-center Public Radio International — and that provenance offers another of many signs of the inevitable return to free markets in…

Charles Haynes: Why religious literacy matters — GazetteXtra

….But how much do inhabitants of our faith-saturated land actually know about religion? Not very much, according to a new survey released by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life on Sept. 28…. While most people (89 percent) correctly understand that Supreme Court decisions bar public school teachers from leading their classes in prayer,…

Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite | The Nation

The Nation has a fine story exposing the hypocrisy of Lou Dobbs, an immigrant-bashing television commentator and former CNN anchor: In Lou Dobbs’s heyday at CNN, when he commanded more than 800,000 viewers and a reported $6 million a year for “his fearless reporting and commentary” in the words of former CNN president Jonathan Klein,…

Im Not Going to Be Interrogated As a Pre-Condition of Re-Entering My Own Country – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

There’s justifiable pride in being an American citizen: America is an extraordinary place, a free, beautiful republic. There are countless reasons to be proud of being a citizen, so many reasons to love the American way of life. Unfortunately, the encroachment of government regulations is so considerable that federal officials often assert authority that they… Anyone Care About Economic Liberty Anymore? George Thomas on the 14th Amendment

George Thomas of Claremont McKenna College discusses economic liberties.’s interview is a solid contribution to the topic. I have embedded the video, and a description of it, below. (By the way, if you’re looking for those who take economic liberties seriously, there’s no better place to start than the “merry band of litigators” at…