
Instapundit – A Prosecutor on the War Against Photography

The principal attribute of a campaign against photography, or the encroachment on private property rights (see, “Is a Man’s Home Still His Castle? – Washington Examiner“) is that officials aim to take from American citizens rights that Americans now have, and have historically had. This is the dark – and reactionary — side of contemporary…

Is a man’s home still his castle? | Washington Examiner

But to arrest someone who is unmistakably on their own property, and doing nothing remotely illegal, is an abuse of power pure and simple. Even if it were true that Gibson was endangering herself by witnessing the traffic stop from the confines of her front porch, how could that possibly be construed as “resisting arrest”…

Nat Hentoff on a Ground Zero Mosque

Nat Hentoff writes about the New York City mosque controversy in Pols Clueless on Ground Zero Mosque: The angry national debate over Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s intention to build a mosque two blocks north of the horror of 9/11 at Ground Zero has been further fueled by supporter Nancy Pelosi declaring, “I join those who…

When (Canadian) Bureaucrats Attack

Kevin Libin, of the Canadian National Post has a story about how Canadian officials are bullying a libertarian family of immigrants to Canada from what was Soviet-occupied Poland. They left a dictatorship, but they’ve run into the soft, oppressively bureaucratic culture of modern-day Canada. (Sadly, something like his story might easily happen in countless places…

Divorcing Marriage and Government

There’s considerable talk about a federal judge’s ruling involving California’s Proposition 8, a proposition that defines marriage under California law. There’s discussion of the ruling, laws and constitutional provisions in other states that are similar to Proposition 8, and the politics of it all. Like most libertarians, I don’t think these discussions are broad enough…

Raw Milk: The Wonder Tonic?

I don’t know if raw milk’s a wonder tonic, but people in a dairy state should be able to buy it and enjoy natural, unpasteurized milk. A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examined the reasons people want to drink raw milk, and the backgrounds of those who want to drink it: New research at…

The True Fashion-Setters

I don’t have a great knowledge of comic books, but I do know a bit, about some. I wish I knew more. We’re a creative country, and the art and stories of comic books have been part of our culture for generations. They’re so much a part of this culture, that successful comics can be…

Monday Music

In last Friday’s open comments forum, the topic was liberty-themed music. Here are the songs that readers of FREE WHITEWATER suggested, with one bonus song that I’ll add tonight. Bonus song — Marilyn McCoo sings the words of the Declaration of Independence. Interviews Author Joel Miller About Paul Revere interviews Joel Miller about his book on Paul Revere, and asks — Is Paul Revere still relevant in contemporary America? Joel Miller, author of The Revolutionary Paul Revere, says he is. Miller sat down with Editor in Chief Nick Gillespie to discuss the man, his famous ride, and his relationship to the contemporary…