
Advocates Say Raw Milk Is Worth The Risk : NPR

We’re a dairy state that calls itself America’s Dairyland while banning sales of natural, unpasteurized milk to adults. This ban, and ones like it across America, are harder to justify each day. See, Advocates Say Raw Milk Is Worth The Risk: NPR. Even an critic of raw milk consumption, like FDA bureaucrat David Acheson would… New Threats to Freedom

Over at, there’s a half-hour video of a panel discussion about a recently-published anthology, New Threats to Freedom. That title sounds ominous, but it needn’t be, as discussions about liberty forfend the prospect of a more restrictive and regulated society. The panel discussion makes me eager to read the book — available from Amazon,…

Citizens, Not Subjects

There’s a fine story at the Washington Post (free registration req’d) entitled, “Jefferson Changed ‘Subjects’ to ‘Citizens’ in Declaration of Independence.” It’s long been known that Jefferson made changes as he worked on his draft of the Declaration, as anyone would. ONly in one case, however, did he erase a word entirely, and substitute a… “Citizenship and the Pursuit of Happiness”

Over an Independence Day holiday, I can think of no more inspiring story than that of people who have become American citizens. Enjoy. “ caught up with immigrants to learn why they moved to a country that defines itself as a multicultural melting pot. Citizenship: The Pursuit of Happiness was produced and edited by Dan…

Can Government Tell You What You Must Eat? Is There No Limit to Federal Power Under The Commerce Clause?

There’s a lot of commentary about the Kagan nomination, although public interest seems tepid. I’ve not mentioned anything about her nomination, mostly because I have no strong view. I believe she’s surely adequately qualified in education, experience, and intellect. She’s no one’s ideal nominee, but absent a showing of official misconduct, the president’s qualified nominees…

Cathy Young on Racism, Civil Rights, and Libertarians

There’s been a controversy over remarks that Rand Paul, a Republican candidate for U.S. senate made, about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. While on an MSNBC program, Paul (the son of libertarian-leaning Republican Ron Paul) implied that he supported the right of private private businesses to decide whom to serve. (The 1964 Act prohibits the…

Culinary Freedom

I’ve written before about how hard it is buy drink raw milk, for example, in a dairy state. People are, and should always be free, to advocate for one kind of food, or diet, over another. What, though, about the insistence that people must eat a certain way, and the use of government power to…

“Tracy Foster is Free Enterprise”

There are many inspirational videos available online, but few more so than one of the entries to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s “I am Free Enterprise” video contest. A video about small-business owner Tracy Foster, who makes a line of stylish camera bags, is now a finalist in the Chamber’s contest. (I wrote about the…