
Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting for 7-12-10 (Live Blogging)

Here’s the format I will be using for live blogging tonight’s Planning Commission meeting. I wouldn’t expect anyone to read my comments live; instead, I’m interested in experimenting with live blogging to produce commentary more quickly. (My comments will remain after the meeting for later viewing.) The window will become live just before 6 PM,… Lessons From LeBron – What Clevelanders Should Really Be Pissed About

I’ve posted before about libertarian Drew Carey’s series for on ways to revitalize Cleveland (“the mistake on the lake.”) Those ways did not, and never will, include demonizing LeBron James for taking a job in Miami. Here’s a follow-up to the Reason Saves Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey series, entitled, Lessons From LeBron: Link:…

Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting for 6-14-10 (Live Blogging)

Here’s a format I will be using for live blogging tonight’s Planning Commission meeting. I wouldn’t expect anyone to read my comments live; instead, I’m interested in experimenting with live blogging to produce commentary more quickly, and to test the format, a format that might be useful for other events. (The comments will remain after…

Whitewater Municipal Staff: Where’s the Packet?

In Whitewater, there’s a one-monthly Planning Commission meeting. Those meetings have an agenda that’s posted online. The agenda for the June 14th meeting is available online now. It’s common in Whitewater for city officials to refer to employees collectively as “city staff, so I’ll do the same by way of a question. Whitewater municipal staff:…

The Wall Street Journal on Private Campaigns Against Walmart

In prior posts, I’ve made clear the difference between competition between private merchants and local government’s endorsement of a campaign that expressly favors one kind of merchant over another. That’s not the place for government, either on principle (government should be limited) or prudently (government has a poor record of picking winners in the marketplace).…

America’s War Between Free Enterprise and Government Control

There’s an essay in the Washington Post, that wonders if we face America’s new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, considers the topic and concludes that we do face such a cultural clash. First, Brooks considers the irreconcilable systems of free enterprise and state control: This…

Chimp vs. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

The National Center for Public Policy Research, a think tank, believes that a trained chimpanzee has a greater likelihood of predicting hurricanes than the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Dr. James Hansimian, a chimpanzee, predicts that there will be between 6 and 8 name-worthy storms in the Atlantic this season. The NOAA has been wrong,…

Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting from 5/10/10: Residential Overlay

At Item 10 of the May 10th Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission considered a residential overlay ordinance, that would place greater restrictions than there would be, for example, in a conventional R-1 zoning district. (Two or fewer unrelated persons living in the single residence, rather than three or fewer persons.) The item stated that…