
Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting from 5/10/10: Walmart

After a few preliminary items, Whitewater’s 5/10/10 Planning Commission meeting considered Walmart’s proposal for a significant expansion at its present location. A video recording of the meeting is available at The agenda with a memo from Vandewalle & Associates about the Walmart expansion is available at Planning Commission Agenda & Attached Documents. The documents…

Madison’s Isthmus: Janesville on the Brink

From Madison’s Isthmus, one reads a story about hardship in nearby Janesville, hardship that should be of concern to those in Whitewater, too. No matter how dire the conditions for Janesville now, I believe that an abandonment of virtually every aspect of commercial and business regulation, along with drastic reductions in government spending except principally…

How Long Does It Take a Whitewater, Wisconsin Bureaucrat to Screw in a Traffic Light?

Delay Blame-shifting Supposed, speedy solution Approval of supposed, speedy solution Bureaucrat’s comment immediately after approval of supposed, speedy solution. Delay Blame-shifting FREE WHITEWATER, February 17, 2010, from Traffic Lights and Limelights in a Small Town: Like many small towns, Whitewater, Wisconsin has one main thoroughfare through town, past our college campus, connecting the east and…

Whitewater’s Innovation Center Groundbreaking

I’ve written before about Whitewater’s tech park and Innovation Center, and some of the coverage it’s received. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Innovation Center, held this Tuesday, is another opportunity to review officials’ flimsy claims. Statements at the event were sadly, but predictably, empty. Prior Posts. I’ve written about the Tech Park and Innovation Center…

Visalia, California’s Sensible Choice in Favor of a Free Market

Visalia, California is far from Whitewater, Wisconsin. (It’s about 2100 miles by car, according to Google Maps.) Despite the distance, they recently confronted a question like one we in Whitewater once faced. In Whitewater, we once foolishly imposed a moratorium on residential apartments in our downtown; in Visalia, they considered and rejected a moratorium on… – Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey: Privatize It (Episode 3)

Here’s episode three of the series on saving Cleveland, and by implication lots of other cities, too. In this episode, viewers see how government doesn’t manage produce markets or golf courses very well. Should cities be in the business of running businesses ranging from convention centers to farmers markets? Selling off golf courses, contracting… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Here’s the first full episode of Drew Carey’s series on Cleveland, and ways to revitalize the city. Sixty years ago, Cleveland was a booming city full of promise, opportunity, and people. Today, the city’s population is less half of what it…

Eminent Domain Abuse: Billionaires vs. Brooklyn’s Best Bar

It’s true that libertarians believe that government solutions are less effective and productive than private ones. It’s also true that business sometimes colludes with government to pressure other businesses. It’s an unfair partnership by which some businesses take opportunities from others, all the while allowing government to claim that it supports business. Government favoring some…

Haste Makes Waste

Whitewater’s City Manager, Kevin Brunner, trumpets what he considers a speedy advancement of a publicly-funded tech park for Whitewater. Brunner considers this a sign of accomplishment. He’s wrong, twice over. First, there’s less to Whitewater’s supposed accomplishments than meets the eye. Second, and even more important for our town, is the fundamental understanding among successful…

On Whitewater’s “Advancing” Tech Park, Part 2

The first part of this topic appears separately, in the preceding post. In this post, I will consider more of Whitewater City Manager Brunner’s published remarks, from a February 8th story entitled, “Whitewater Tech Park advances; panels to study second building.” A Unique Design. Here’s Brunner, remarking on the building’s supposedly unique character: “We are…

On Whitewater’s “Advancing” Tech Park, Part 1

Last Monday, over at the Daily Union, that paper published an online story entitled, “Whitewater Tech Park advances; panels to study second building.” The story is a solid example of Whitewater officials’ habit of stating the obvious, exaggerating their own achievements, and producing whatever airy speculation they can get into print. In the Daily Union,…