
From the Washington Examiner: Parody — Resolved that Snow is Hereby Banned

In my small town of fourteen-thousand, in rural Wisconsin, we have both the seasonal inconvenience of too much snow and the year-round inconvenience of planning and scheming bureaucrats. There are differences of scale between the municipal meddling that afflicts us and that afflicting big cities like Atlanta or Los Angeles. We’re not an over-taxed, over-regulated…

On the Innovation Center’s Anchor Tenant, Part 2

An official’s weak arguments don’t become better or more convincing on repetition. On the contrary, stubborn repetition only reveals additional errors and mistakes, offering more opportunities for a robust critique. Last week, I wrote about the selection of CESA 2, a taxpayer-funded agency, as the anchor tenant for Whitewater’s upcoming Innovation Center, a taxpayer-funded and…

On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Recent Bond Rating

Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner recently touted an A2 rating from Moody’s Investor Services. It’s what he didn’t say that’s most telling. In his January 15th Weekly Report, Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner announced an affirmation from Moody’s Investor Services of the city’s A2 bond rating. The city’s rating is assigned to the sale of…

“Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis”

Over at there’s a succinct, useful article on fiscal policies that simply won’t solve America’s economic problems. “Red-Ink Tsunami: Why Old Ideas Can’t Fix the New Government Perma-Crisis” is a useful reminder – a warning, really – of state and local government’s limitations. Here are the five “Strategies of Yesteryear that Won’t Work Today”:…

The Next Big Thing

You may be sure that these days are scarcely ordinary – we are on the cusp of the extraordinary, the exceptional, and innovative. Nearly a month ago, Whitewater broke ground on a taxpayer-funded tech park, along a street renamed Innovation Drive, beside our existing business park. There was a brief ceremony, filmed for those who… Government Providing ‘Country Roads to Serfdom’

It’s video Thursday at FREE WHITEWATER, and here’s a video from’s Rough Cut blog, about the failure of government spending to improve conditions for West Virginia. Here’s a description accompanying the video: For decades, West Virginia has looked to the government to solve their economic problems, only to find themselves falling further behind. Today,…

Whitewater at the Trough

I’m sure someone has a story to tell about how one of his Scandinavian ancestors swam across the Atlantic, hiked through the forests and prairies of America, and helped found this city with his bare hands.  It’s just another version of the commonplace, “when I was a child…” stories one hears from crusty old relatives.…