
Umm, Excuse me, Whitewater Planning Commission: Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing, Chapter 2 (Welcome to California).

Well, I originally posted the beginning of a series summarizing Tucker’s Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing in July. I’m just getting back to it now. Recently, I summarized (and just today re-posted) Chapter 1 (Introduction) from William Tucker’s Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing. In the first installment, Tucker’s regression analysis of likely causes…

Whitewater Planning Commission: Here’s the Book for You!

There’s a Planning Commission meeting in Whitewater, Wisconsin tonight. If I could recommend one book to that group, it might be William Tucker’s Zoning, Rent Control and Affordable Housing. In honor of our Planning Commission, I will review the book, chapter by chapter, in the days ahead. I’ll start tomorrow. A blogger’s work is never…

Planning Commission Meeting for January 19th, 2009

The first City of Whitewater Planning Commission meeting of the year took place last night, 1/19/09.    I did not catch the beginning of the meeting, offering an agenda of ten items, including roll call, future items, and adjournment.  The meeting was a brief one, with uncontroversial items considered quickly, and Gregory Torres presiding for…

On a Study of Public Transportation for Our Area

I was rightly chided for not offering commentary on a press release that I posted from Rep. Kim Hixson’s office, in a post from early January.  (See, Rep. Hixson Helps Secure Transportation Funding for District, .)   The full release is posted there, but the essence is a study of commuter bus service in…

Planning Commission 10/20/08: The Administration’s Wages of Appeasement

On September 20th, I posted on a Planning Commission meeting from five days’ time earlier. In that post, I mentioned of City Manager Brunner that What’s pandering though, both intellectually and practically, is the suggestion that if the Tratt Street neighborhood becomes higher density, then as matter of balance other neighborhoods should be enforced to…

Planning Commission 10/20/08: ‘Not a One’

Ask yourself this question: Who is the most well-known and influential member of our Common Council? Some have been community figures for years, others more recent additions to our politics. Only one, though, has a community following — small, but dedicated, committed, assertive: Dr. Roy Nosek. Now, I have been a critic of Nosek, but…

Planning Commission 10/20/08: ‘Home Occupation’

This is the first of a series of posts on the October 20th Planning Commission meeting. In this post, I’ll consider Item 5 from the meeting agenda, Applicant Tom Germundson’s request for a conditional use permit for a home occupation (so that he could make sheet metal duct work for heating and cooling installations). Germundson’s…

Planning Commission Meeting for September 15, 2008

Whitewater, Wisconsin’s monthly Planning Commission meeting took place on Monday, September 15th. Part of the meeting — the principal part, I think — involved a discussion of re-zoning a neighborhood near our local college campus. Much of the neighborhood has evolved from single family homes into multi-unit student apartments, and our community faced the question:…

Randal O’Toole on the Inefficiency of Mass Transit

In a post from July 28th, I questioned the idea of a mass transit proposal for the Janesville-Milton-Whitewater area. Over at the Cato Institute, there’s a link to a daily podcast featuring scholars from that think tank. The always interesting Randal O’Toole, author of The Best Laid Plans, speaks on the inefficiency of mass transit.…

China’s Restrictions on Cars During the Olympics

The Wall Street Journal‘s weekend edition had a story about how that dictatorship’s government will restrict use of automobiles in Beijing during the Olympic Games. They are trying to limit auto use to reduce air pollution in the capital city. The finest minds of state planning will accomplish a 50% reduction in traffic through an…

Planning Commission Meeting from 6/16 (Part 2)

In Part 1 of coverage for the 6/16 Planning Commission meeting, I remarked that Whitewater will continue to change, though, and all the overreaching enforcement in the world will not be able to stop it. On the other side of this issue are some who see conditions changing, and decry the lack of enforcement to…