
Planning Commission Meeting from 6/16 (Part 1)

In some respects, this is a new Planning Commission, with a new chair (Kristine Zaballos) now in that role, and a new term, beginning after the latest round of nominations from the Common Council. This is still true even though many others on the Commission are incumbents. Staff reports now appear earlier on the agenda,…

Bargaining & Planning

There have been months of controversy over the possibility of residential first floor housing in our downtown. Setting aside how this issue has been debated, considered, and decided, here’s my take in support of first floor housing subject to conditional use approval. Traditionally, first floor housing in the downtown was subject to approval only as…

Planning Commission Meeting from May 19th

The latest Planning Commission meeting was Monday, May 19th. I’ll offer comments on a few parts of an agenda-rich meeting. Currently, the city planner’s post is vacant, and consultants to the city are fulfilling a portion of that role. The Planning Commission elected a new chairperson (Kristine Zaballos), vice-chairperson (Greg Torres), and filled roles where…

The Planning Commission Meeting from May 5th

UPDATE: Friday May 9th: My original remarks on the Elkhorn corridor do not address the possibility of any given commercial development, or any certain big box store. Considering the possibility of a big box store, there are a few likely objections: (1) that the store would be contrary to an existing plan (Elkhorn Road as…

Planning and Weather Forecasting

I’ve included two weather forecasts with most Daily Bread posts: one from the National Weather Service, and one from the Farmers’ Almanac. As I noted previously, there is a way to look at the two as a contrast between government and private sector planning. Reader Amy wrote me in early April, and asked me if…