
The People in the Room

Consider an invitation-only meeting, before a public one, in which appointed officials and perhaps a few corporate executives meet to discuss public financing of a deal mostly benefiting a few.   One can say two things, with reasonable confidence, about a meeting like that.  First, no one attends a meeting of that kind to dissuade others…

Janesville Schools’ Reckless Plan

Months ago, someone told me about a Janesville School District plan to charge teenage students from China and east Asia to live and attend classes in Janesville’s schools. I thought it was a joke.  It took quite a bit to convince me that, actually, there was a nascent plan like this.   It’s hard to…

The Bus Discussion @ Council Last Night: A Fiasco by Any Definition

Update, 2 PM: A reader wrote today, asking why I seem relatively unconcerned about this vote (as a practical matter). That’s my omission: in the discussion last night, it’s clear that Generac plans to reduce funding in the future. Advocates of this project will have to find other corporate sponsors and make it work with…

Discussion about the Bus, 3.20.12 to 11.5.13

I promised earlier a summary of principal arguments made about a (mostly) publicly-funded transit bus that benefits (mostly) one multi-billion-dollar corporation. Here’s that post, with a summary of points about the project at Whitewater’s Common Council sessions of 3.20.12, 11.20.12, and 11.5.13. For each date, I’ve included a link to a Vimeo page with a…

The Planning Commission Meeting for 11.11.13

Whitewater’s Planning Commission met last night, and among the topics was consideration of re-zoning and a conditional use permit for Casual Joe’s, a new restaurant, tavern, and distillery to operate at 319 W. James Street (at the site of a long-unused commercial building, the former Fort Auto Body).    On 4-3 votes, a majority of…

Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting for 10.14.13

Whitewater’s Planning Commission met for its monthly meeting last night, with three principal topics (items 4, 5, and 6 on the agenda): 4. Hold a public hearing for consideration of a conditional use permit (for expansion to include wholesale alcohol operation) for CC Property Development LLC., Christ Christon to have a brewery and tap room at…

Zoning Debates Are Often Just a Distraction from Failed Criminal Enforcement Strategies

Here’s the third post in a trilogy about residential housing in Whitewater.  For the first two posts, see, Old Whitewater Dreams of a Student Rez and The University’s Role in Town-Gown Issues. Recap: (1) pointing to the northwest corner of the city for student rentals without actual, additional housing in that area is an empty solution, and (2) the university’s planned…

The University’s Role in Town-Gown Issues

Yesterday, I posted on housing density in the city, and the push to move sudent housing to the northwestern part of Whitewater.  See, Old Whitewater Dreams of a Student Rez.  A recap: the plan won’t work because (1) student housing is widespread in the center of the city by voluntary choice that cannot be undone and…

Old Whitewater Dreams of a Student Rez

Old Whitewater – an outlook rather than an age, a group rather than an individual – is having the hardest time adjusting to a changing city.  All these years, and all their many political champions, and still they’ve not solved even a single major problem facing the city.  Residential harmony between town and gown is one those problems,…

No Resolution

There was a Planning Commission meeting last night, and the principal topic was a proposal to extend a zoning overlay on North Fremont from the existing overlay in the Starin Park neighborhood (those few streets to the west of Fremont, and between Main and Starin). The zoning overlay would prohibit more than two unrelated persons…