
Friday Poll: A Wild Card Spot for the Brewers?

Update: the poll’s now open – It’s been a long season for the Brewers, with months of it spent under .500, but now they’ve a chance for a wild card entry into the post-season. Do they make it into October as a wild card team? They’ve missed so many opportunities this season, that instinct suggests…

Friday Poll: How Many Regular Season Packers Wins?

The Packers beat Chicago last night, for a 1-1 start to the season. In their sixteen-game regular season, how many wins do you think they’ll have. (It’s the playoffs that matter most, but I’m curious how well you think they’ll do along the way.) I’ll say 14. What do you think? Packers 2012 Regular Season…

Friday Poll: Do We Need a Longer School Year?

I saw a post at Slashdot that asked if we needed a longer school year. (That post has links to stories arguing in favor of a longer year.) Well, do you think we should we have a longer year? Alternatively, should school sessions be spaced more evenly throughout the calendar year? Perhaps both: a longer…

Friday Poll: Wisconsin Wolf Hunt

Update, 6:44 PM: A circuit court judge ruled today that the hunt could proceed, but prohibited the use of dogs. See, Update: DNR Says “Wolf Season Will Proceed” After Judge’s Ruling. Wisconsin plans a fall wolf hunt, something that’s the subject (as of this post) of a pending lawsuit over using trained dogs as part of…

Friday Poll: Tobacco’s Popularity

A recent World Health Organization study details the dangers of smoking, and to assess possible global risks from smoking, it lists the proportion of smokers in different countries: The study, conducted between 2008 and 2010, found that across 14 developing nations, 49% of men and 11% of women used tobacco. Most of them smoked —…

Friday Poll: Air conditioning – good or bad?

Slate’s Daniel Engber asks, “Is Air Conditioning Bad for You?” in a story in which he assesses studies for and against air conditioning (and how people’s politics are mixed up with their views on home cooling). Even in this very hot summer, there are bound to be differences on this question. What do you think:…

Friday Poll: Would you jump from 96,640 feet like Fearless Felix?

Earlier this week, Fearless Felix Baumgarnter set a personal best for a jump — in a pressurized suit — from 96,640 feet. ‘Fearless Felix’ falls far fast: Let’s assume that Felix and others could prepare you, adequately, to do what he did. (It’s a big assumption, of course, because Felix has been skydiving from…

Poll: Favorite Music

Today’s poll asks about one’s favorite music. I’ve added some of the most common genres from the Billboard charts, with a category for other.  Multiple selections are possible. It’s a mix of jazz, blues, and scattered pop tunes for me. What are your favorites? Favorite Music? <a href=””>Favorite Music?</a> 

Friday Poll: Raw (Organic) Milk

Wisconsin is prosecuting a dairy farmer, Vernon Hershberger, over his sale of raw milk. Hershberger is representing himself, and his effort to have the charges dismissed has been denied. Should organic milk sales be lawful in Wisconsin, America’s Dairyland? What do you think? Raw (Organic) Milk Poll