Poverty Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — The Decline of a Once-Great City Here’s the first full episode of Drew Carey’s series on Cleveland, and ways to revitalize the city. Sixty years ago, Cleveland was a booming city full of promise, opportunity, and people. Today, the city’s population is less half of what it… Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey — Introduction

Drew Carey has a series at about his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland’s a big place, but Carey’s proposals for revitalizing his town would apply to other places in the Midwest, including far smaller ones. Here’s an introduction to his series: Click …to watch Drew introduce the series that just might save his hometown.…

Increases in Wisconsin Poverty: A Sad Circumstance Familiar to Whitewater, Wisconsin

Over at the online Capital Times, there’s a story entitled, Despite Madison’s Relative Affluence, Poverty Rate Growing Rapidly. Here’s an excerpt: Being poor, hungry or unemployed is a world far removed for many in Wisconsin’s capital city, where arguments over passenger rail, Badger sports or high-rise hotels can dominate the news. But the reality is…

Janesville Gazette: Hunger up dramatically in southwest Wisconsin

From the Gazette story, the difficult circumstances nearby communities face: Dan Stein, president and CEO of Second Harvest of Southern Wisconsin, said the number of people facing hunger has increased across the state, but the situation is particularly dire in the southwestern part of the Wisconsin. “Throughout the state, the numbers were between 30 and…

Poverty in Whitewater

Before the budget, before the municipal administration, politicians, bureaucrats, and back-patters, is a city of fourteen-thousand. Most of these fourteen-thousand have, sensibly, more important concerns than the latest, supposedly extraordinary and exceptional (excuse me, exceptional! bureaucratic achievement. Little over a month ago, there was a rare mention, for Whitewater, of (child) poverty. Our poverty rate…

Poverty in Whitewater, Part 4: (If we keep building new shopping centers, why does Whitewater’s poverty rate not decrease?)

[This is the fourth in a series on poverty in Whitewater. Part 1 showed that we have a family poverty rate far higher than surrounding communities. Part 2 showed that the poverty rate of our families is increasing. Part 3 showed that the problems of poverty cannot be understood through residents’ ancestries.] We are fortunate…

Poverty in Whitewater, Part 2 (How many of our families have been in poverty recently, since the last census data? )

[This is the second of a series on poverty in Whitewater. Part 1 showed that we have a family poverty rate far higher than surrounding communities.] Previously, in Part 1, I used the same census data that the City of Whitewater posted on its website to show that we have a family poverty rate roughly…

Poverty in Whitewater, Part 1 (Introduction)

We are, without the slightest reasonable doubt, a beautiful but troubled city. It’s unmistakable that our economy falls short for many, and I will support this contention more conclusively than any happy, but deceptive, pictures from another website, or city publication, could suggest otherwise. We have become a proud, arrogant place, willing to trumpet chimerical…