
NYT Blogger Who Knocked Fox News’ Audience Diversity Has the Same Problem

Interestingly, though, the media site where Stelter [the NYT blogger] primarily blogs (New York Times’ Media Decoder) suffers from the lowest percentage of African-American readers (4.6%) when compared to comparable media sites like Mediaite (5.8%), Gawker (6.4%), Mediabistro (9.2%), etc., according to Nielsen Media Research. I haven’t seen Fox News in who knows how long,…

The Congressman’s Constituents

There’s a video making its way through cyberspace that’s sure to the the first of many like it this election year. The video shows the reaction of participants in a town hall meeting to Congressman Brad Sherman’s declaration that he knew nothing about a Department of Justice dismissal of a case against of voter intimidation…

Madison’s Isthmus: Janesville on the Brink

From Madison’s Isthmus, one reads a story about hardship in nearby Janesville, hardship that should be of concern to those in Whitewater, too. No matter how dire the conditions for Janesville now, I believe that an abandonment of virtually every aspect of commercial and business regulation, along with drastic reductions in government spending except principally…

Whitewater Chief Coan and Mankato, MN Candidacy Update

There are a few updates on the search for a Public Safety Director in Mankato, MN, a search for which Whitewater Police Chief Jim Coan is a candidate. First, there’s a story in the Mankato Free Press, entitled, “Public Safety Candidates Go Public,” about the search for the next public safety director for Mankato. The…

Whitewater Chief Coan Interviews with Mankato [MN] Free Press

Whitewater Police Chief Jim Coan is a candidate for the public safety director’s post in Mankato, Minnesota. I’ve written about his candidacy before, in Whitewater’s Police Chief and the Job in Mankato, MN. The Mankato Free Press has published interviews with all four candidates for the job. The paper posed the same five questions to…

On Whitewater’s “Advancing” Tech Park, Part 2

The first part of this topic appears separately, in the preceding post. In this post, I will consider more of Whitewater City Manager Brunner’s published remarks, from a February 8th story entitled, “Whitewater Tech Park advances; panels to study second building.” A Unique Design. Here’s Brunner, remarking on the building’s supposedly unique character: “We are…

What’s Wrong with PBS, NPR, Etc.?

One month ago, I wrote about launching a fictitious candidacy for one of the non-existent congressional districts to which the federal government had laughably claimed to have distributed stimulus funds. See, Press Release: John Adams to Run for Wisconsin’s 55th Congressional District. In my campaign platform, I was critical of the Public Broadcasting Service and…

Retracto the Correction Alpaca

Over at there’s a pseudonymous columnist named Retracto the Correction Alpaca. He submits retraction requests to newspapers and magazines when he believes that he’s spotted an error in a story. His columns are available online. He’s become popular, and he even has his own theme song. I don’t always agree with his analysis of…

Whitewater’s Police Chief and the Job in Mankato, MN

Update, 6:21 PM: Fixed link for “What Happens in Vegas…” appearing below.  Link now leads correctly to that post. Longtime readers of FREE WHITEWATER know that I have been a critic of Whitewater’s long-tenured (too long, really) police chief, Jim Coan. A search of this site offers ample analysis of Coan’s disappointing tenure in Whitewater,…

Update: The Secret Warrants of Walworth County

On December 28th, the Janesville Gazette published a story entitled, “Walworth County search warrants could disappear.”  I posted on that astonishing possibility, in  a post entitled, “The Secret Warrants of Walworth County.”  Here’s what the Gazette uncovered in its original story: ELKHORN – In some Wisconsin counties, sealed court documents hold back details from search…

For Whitewater, Wisconsin: No Reckless Pranks Needed

Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, a group blog of law professors and academics, there’s a post about the unfortunate conduct of James O’Keefe, an activist. In a post entitled, “One Sting Too Many,” Jonathon Adler writes about allegations against O’Keefe: It’s one thing to pretend to be a pimp when interviewing ACORN employees. It’s quite…