
On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Recent Bond Rating

Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner recently touted an A2 rating from Moody’s Investor Services. It’s what he didn’t say that’s most telling. In his January 15th Weekly Report, Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner announced an affirmation from Moody’s Investor Services of the city’s A2 bond rating. The city’s rating is assigned to the sale of…

Reporting on Whitewater’s Water

When it takes years for a homeowner to learn of a problem, one can expect that when she does, she will be both frustrated and suspicious for the delay. There are two published newspaper stories, from nearby newspapers, that recount the concerns of a Whitewater resident about environmental contamination from a now-defunct gas station. The…

The Secret Warrants of Walworth County

Update, 2/9/10:  See a follow-up post, Update: The Secret Warrants of Walworth County. A tenured surgeon walks into an operating room with a pair of chopsticks. Someone notices that the surgeon is carrying two wooden sticks instead of a scalpel. The surgeon replies, “Now that we’re having this discussion, I’ll address it.” What would you…

Paper files suit over UW records – JSOnline

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has filed suit under Wisconsin’s Public Records Law to compel release of faculty comments about a proposed conflict-of-interest policy for the faculty. It’s both unfortunate and wrong that the faculty comments have not been released. On the other hand, at least a few people seem to be considering what might give…

YouTube, Twitter, and the Web Make Lying Harder

At ten this morning, I posted a video of a snowball fight from Washington, D.C. The video is about a confrontation between a D.C. police officer and a group of pedestrians, some of whom were throwing snowballs at cars. The officer unholstered his gun, as photos, his own remarks, and eyewitness testimony amply confirmed. Not…

Editor & Publisher

I have a link – at least for a while longer – to the website of Editor & Publisher. The owners of E&P announced that they would be shutting down both print and online versions of the publication. I will miss Editor & Publisher, despite its occasional errors, because it reported on an industry that…

Real Risks in a Real Town

There’s a view – almost a wish – that in a small town, life will prove less regulated, and the only regulations the community issues are the most important, truly concerning health and safety. Sometimes, after paying for another permit, or sitting in a traffic jam caused by another urban plan gone awry, someone in…

How ’bout an Opinion Letter?

In the post immediately below this one, I commented on a story in the Janesville Gazette on that paper’s four tries to get a response to a public records request. (See, After four requests, Gazette gets open records.) I seldom comment on Rock County events, but the Wisconsin Public Records Law is an important safeguard…

The Janesville Gazette and Public Records Requests

There’s a story from December 2nd at the Janesville Gazette that describes how hard it can be to receive adequate government compliance with a public records request. Wisconsin law has clear provisions requiring local government to supply requested records promptly following a request, even including an anonymous request. (WPRL Wis. Stat. ss. 19.31-19.39) The story…

Tax Breaks for Wisconsin Newspapers?

Longtime Wisconsin State Rep. Marlin Schneider (D-Wisconsin Rapids) intends to propose a tax break for Wisconsin newspapers. I support a vigorous press, but like most libertarians, I oppose tax breaks for favored industries. I’m sure that overall, across-the-board tax reduction would be a better policy. Still, I have to admire Schneider for his commitment to…