
Brunner in the Daily Union‘s “No Input at Budget Hearing.”

Earlier, in a post entitled, “Come On, Whitewater! Stop Disappointing Your Politicians and Bureaucrats (Part 2),” I considered some of Whitewater City Manager Brunner’s remarks on low turnout at budget listening session. The session was covered at the Daily Union, in a story entitled, “No Input at Budget Hearing.” In this post, a few follow-up…

Wisconsin State Journal: “Alcohol Company Rep Arrested for OWI, Other Charges After Allegedly Running Over Officer’s Foot”

One hears a great deal about how much trouble alcohol causes. In Whitewater, I’ve heard more than once that alcohol causes raucous behavior. (There’s much that’s ridiculous about the excuse that alcohol makes people do stupid things. No matter, let’s assume, for now, that alcohol is the root of the problem.) If it should be…

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Taxpayers Paid to Send Treasurer to Conferences

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been covering the public expenses of Wisconsin State Treasurer Dawn Marie Sass. In a story posted yesterday, entitled “Taxpayers Paid to Send Treasurer to Conferences,” the Journal Sentinel catches Sass lying about the cost of her out-of-state trips. From the story: Madison — Taxpayers spent nearly $5,500 to send state…

Newseum’s Five Freedoms of the First Amendment

In the post immediately before this one, I linked to Reason‘s Matt Welch’s “Quick Impressions of the D.C. 9/12 Protest.” In that story, he mentions the Newseum in Washington, and the inscription from the First Amendment that covers a large part of the building. Here are clickable photographs of that impressive inscription:

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government Website

Andrew Breitbart, of and Big Hollywood, now has a new site, The website offers news and satire on the role of big government – tax and budget-deficit financed – in America. Breitbart’s other sites have been popular, and this one should be, too.

Bureaucrat vs. Property Owner

From the main page of the City of Whitewater’s website: Thanks for visiting the Whitewater website. If you have not been to our City, please feel free to visit us in person as well. The Whitewater Municipal Center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday) to answer your questions and…

Inside (Whitewater) and Outside (America)

A bureaucrat’s remarks about “….much media attention this past week to a recent sanitary sewer back up that affected First Lt. Joseph P. Cull’s property on Park Street in the city….” are days late and twenty-thousand dollars short. The media attention came from reporting outside the city, while the local press stayed silent. Over at…

John McPoland’s Blog, Fighting Words, at the Janesville Gazette

Over at the Janesville Gazette, John McPoland has a blog entitled, Fighting Words: One Man’s Battle Against Cancer.  It’s a fine blog, and if you’ve not had a chance to read it, stopping by today, for McPoland’s entry, A New Companion, will show why it’s a blog well-worth frequenting.      Quick note: I have no connection…

Two Accounts of One Council Meeting

Whitewater’s a town of fourteen-thousand, with a university campus, but no local, daily press. That doesn’t mean that news isn’t reported in Whitewater. Some news is reported, although often in ways that are bland, and embarrassing moments in Whitewater often disappear from mention, sometimes to the benefit of incumbent politicians, career bureaucrats, and local people-of-influence.…

Register Watch™ for the April 2nd Issue of the Paper

Headline. The banner headline of the latest edition of the Register reassures residents that “City property values remaining constant, says City Manager.” Reassuring, indeed. Does anyone, though, think that the city has kept values here relatively stable? It’s a market, not a command economy… One more quick point — there’s much complaining from those concerned…