
“Riding (along) in the fast lane!”

Oh, too funny ~ Look what the Royal Purple offers up for an April 1st dateline: Chief Jim Coan “Riding (Along) in the Fast Lane.” Someone at the Purple is assured a fine career at… The Onion. Enjoy. Riding Along in the (Fast) Lane.

On the School District Administrator Candidates: Press Coverage

There have been a few newspaper stories about the two final candidates for our next school district administrator. At both the Janesville Gazette and the Daily Union, there were mid-March announcements of the two finalists. See, in the Janesville Gazette, “Whitewater superintendent finalists announced,” and from the Daily Union, “Whitewater picks two superintendent finalists.” The…

On the Upcoming Walworth County Gazette

I wrote a note of inquiry to Scott Angus, Editor of the Janesville Gazette and, to ask about the upcoming Walworth Country Gazette. He sent along a reply, mentioning that the Walworth County edition will launch on April 27th — the same day that the Janesville Gazette begins seven-day morning publication. (Afternoons are difficult…

Register Watch™ on the New Register Website

In the February 12th issue of the Whitewater Register, the paper announced that it had ” joined forces,” with other newspapers in the Southern Lakes chain to participate in an online portal, (‘Joining forces’ is an inapt description. Ordinarily that expression involves a measure of free choice that one would not expect from a…

Register Watch™ for the February 26th Issue: About that autism press release…

Recently, I posted the Associated Press Managing Editors’ Statement of Ethical Principles. They don’t cover every circumstance, nor need they do so. One applies ordinary principles of reasoning, fairness, and composition to a critique. One need be nothing special; it is enough to read and write. I have been a critic of the Whitewater Register,…

Associated Press Managing Editors’ Statement of Ethical Principles

These principles, and even more so basic principles of reasoning, and standards of writing, are useful to a common person who wishes to think, and write, about press coverage of his town. Statement of Ethical Principles These principles are a model against which news and editorial staff members can measure their performance. They have been…

Poll of the Week: Favorite Local Newspaper

Here’s a second poll, folowing last week’s, this time asking a question about readers’ favorite local newspaper. For this week’s poll, a question about which of three local newsapers, with coverage of Whitewater news, that readers might favor. Preferences are only among these three, each with a print edition (although readers may be reading news…

On a Study of Public Transportation for Our Area

I was rightly chided for not offering commentary on a press release that I posted from Rep. Kim Hixson’s office, in a post from early January.  (See, Rep. Hixson Helps Secure Transportation Funding for District, .)   The full release is posted there, but the essence is a study of commuter bus service in…

Press Release: Rep. Hixson Helps Secure Transportation Funding for District

January 7, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT State Representative Kim Hixson/608-266-9650 HIXSON HELPS SECURE TRANSPORTATION FUNDING FOR DISTRICT MADISON – State Rep. Kim Hixson announced Wednesday the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has awarded a 2009 Supplemental Transportation Rural Assistance Program (STRAP) grant to Janesville, Milton, Whitewater and UW-Whitewater. The STRAP grant will…

Press Release – Rep. Hixson Calls for Support of Economic Recovery Proposal

December 12, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT State Representative Kim Hixson/608-266-9650 REP. HIXSON CALLS FOR SUPPORT OF ECONOMIC RECOVERY PROPOSAL Wisconsin citizens need assistance from the Federal Government in these tough economic times WHITEWATER – Representative Kim Hixson (D-43rd Assembly District) pledged Friday to work with other state and…

On Press Releases

I have written in the past about press releases, and have posted some, too. My concerns about press releases are simple enough – newspapers and websites sometimes print press releases, carefully crafted or re-worked, without acknowledging that what appears on the printed page is the work of a third party. It does not matter whether…

Press Ethics

We’re a small town, with limited news coverage. Excellence knows no size; greatness depends on principle, not rationalization or self-praise. For the media that we have, there should be a respect and adherence to true journalistic standards. The Associated Press has a fine set of principles, their Statement of Ethical Principles, from their Managing Editors.…