
Marquette Political Poll: Walker, Obama up slightly in Wisconsin

The first of Charles Franklin’s polls while visiting at Marquette is now available online : Walker and Obama have single digit leads in Marquette Law School Poll. I’ll review the poll tonight, and post more tomorrow. The results are — at first glance — more disparate (and almost conflicting) than one might have expected, but…

Interview with recall challenger Kathleen Falk

There’s an interview on Wisconsin Public Television that news anchor Frederica Freyberg conducts with Kathleen Falk, a declared challenger to Scott Walker in a recall campaign. It’s well-worth watching, and I have embedded the program below. I’ve reviewed Falk’s video announcement, and this interview reveals some of the same problems of delivery and presentation that…

Reviewing Kathleen Falk’s Recall Campaign Announcement

Kathleen Falk, former Dane County Executive, declared her candidacy yesterday for governor. Below I have embedded her video declaration, a screenshot of her website, and a chart from the Journal Sentinel of Democrats who may run against Walker. These are first impressions of Falk’s campaign announcement. They address only the politics, and not the merits,…

Lavish, but defensive, spending on Gov. Walker’s behalf

Lisa Mux, writing at Blogging Blue, describes a well-attended Americans for Prosperity event that touted the Walker Administration’s record: The entire event was carefully orchestrated and the true reality of what Walker has done to the middle-class in Wisconsin was scrubbed, sanitized, and handed back to the audience in an easily digestible format. From the…

In a gubernatorial recall, winning or losing matters greatly

Consider the following assessment, from the online Governors Journal and repeated in an editorial from the nearby Janesville Gazette (1.4.12): Note however, how Governors Journal concluded its story: ‘Even if Walker is removed from office, he still wins the debate. Any setback will be temporary. Pension reforms are a reality.’ Consider that if you’re still…

Sen. Majority Leader Fitzgerald’s 12.19.11 Open Office

One should expect a few things of a politician, and among them one would hope to find honesty, commitment to principle, hard work, and a comfort and ease around his or her constituents. There’s a video of a recall organizer and potential candidate, Lori Compas, at a town hall meeting of the state senator she…

The WISGOP Ad: Your Money

In the prior post, The WisDems’ New Ad: I recall, one sees the Democrats’ recall approach. In the ad below, from the Walker campaign, one sees Lt. Gov. Kleefisch answering those who wonder whether the Walker Admin has achieved what it promised. Here’s Your Money: Watching the two ads, there’s a different presentation of the…

The WisDems’ New Ad: I recall

The Wisconsin Democrats have a new, 1:45-long ad advocating Gov. Walker’s recall. The ad has two targets: Democrats sure to support a recall, and independents and moderates who may be frustrated or embarrassed by Walker’s supposed stridency (or supposed economic ineffectiveness despite legislative victories). Democrats are the sure votes; it’s persuading moderates that Walker’s more…

On Occupy Whitewater, 11.17.11

There was an Occupy Whitewater protest and rally on November 17 through this morning. Some attended a protest yesterday, a GOP counter-demonstration, a talk with three Democratic politicians, or camped over. The photograph above is from the morning of the eighteenth, with tents from those sleeping overnight occupying Whitewater. As one could tell, from the…

Fallone on the “Original Intent of the Recall Power.”

The governor, lt. governor, and as many as four state senators face recall elections next year. So is use of the recall power against these incumbents consistent with Wisconsin law? There’s an answer in a solid post at the Marquette Law Faculty blog from Edward Fallone entitled, The Original Intent of the Recall Power. (Fallone,…