Years ago, during a controversy in Whitewater, someone told me a story about an official who, I learned, asked God’s help to relieve that official from a political burden. The official delivered his request, apparently, in blunt, specific terms. I don’t know whether the official received an answer to his prayers, or whether he believed…
Holiday, Religion
Merry Christmas
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
History, Religion
Happy Easter 2013
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Holiday, Religion
Happy Easter
by JOHN ADAMS • • Comments
Foreign Affairs, Religion
The Continuing Global Growth of Christianity
There’s a distinction between separation of church & state and secularization, although the distinction isn’t always grasped. America and France both have a separation of church from state, but France is the more secular society. Religion is more visible in American civil society, compared with France (if anything, that’s a considerable understatement). There’s much worry…