School District

Built Against Substantive Change

Over time, no matter how small the city, national conditions and trends make their way to the edge of town. Some towns will address these conditions, but others will be resistant to substantive change. For those towns in the latter category, business as usual and rhetorical feints suffice in response to powerful forces to which…


When a small community like Whitewater comes to rely on hundreds of non-resident commuters to provide services (for city, schools, or university), those commuters will have a different work relationship than resident workers. (About these workers see The Commuter Class.) Many will be less attached to the community (as they’ve freely chosen to live elsewhere…

The Lingering Problem of Local Exceptionalism

A common error in small rural communities is the persistent, false claim that local officials are examples of a local exceptionalism that makes them implicitly immune from the flaws and mistakes that beset the rest of humanity. Under this thinking, while there may be problems in the wider world, there are no local examples of…

The (Unexpectedly) Divergent Paths Before the Whitewater Schools

The Whitewater Unified School district is looking for a new district administrator.  The public K-12 district serves Whitewater and some smaller towns nearby.  Over the last two days, the two finalists for that position participated in public forums held via audiovisual conferencing.  There’s no reason whatever to doubt that both candidates are sincere in their…

District Administrator Search Community Forums: 4.21 and 4.22

The Whitewater Unified School District, the public school district for Whitewater and several smaller towns nearby, is searching for a new district administrator. There will be community forums via videoconferencing with the two finalists, Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, Executive Director of Student Services for District #89 in Melrose Park, Illinois, and Ms. Kellie Bohn, Superintendent for…

Feeding Children: Free breakfast and lunch for children

Originally posted 3.17.20. The Whitewater Unified School District’s website has information about feeding children, among other topics, during the coronavirus pandemic.   Updated afternoon of 3.27.20. It’s best to visit the district link directly ( as needed for any updates: Dear Families: The District is making important changes to our meal distribution during the Wisconsin Safer…

Assistance Takes Time

So one hears that an effort toward assistance for children’s breakfast & lunch meals received a lower initial response than some expected. Perhaps, but responses take time – especially in a community where large numbers of children live in poor families that almost certainly do not have conventional broadband access. Initial responses are not indicative…

Local Public Policy as if Charitable Assistance

Whitewater’s policymakers, and those of other small, rural cities, should – in these times of economic stagnation, a lingering opioid crisis, failed business welfare, and an approaching recession – view their principal obligation as if it were charitable outreach. (It’s not charity, of course, but that’s how policymakers should view it: as both palliative and…

The Whitewater School District’s Survey – Work to be Done

The Whitewater Unified School District is searching for a permanent district administrator, and a consulting firm (Hazard, Young, Attea) solicited survey answers on respondents’ opinions and preferences. The summary of the survey results appears below, as a .pdf file. (A link to a separate leadership profile from the consultants also appears at the end of…

Whitewater Schools: Meeting, Survey, Timeline for the Next District Administrator

There are important steps ahead in the Whitewater Schools’ search for a new district administrator. (A link on the district webpage  has information about the process. I’ve reproduced key information below.) Tonight, at 6:30 PM in the Whitewater High School library, there will be an open forum where residents can share their views on what…

Whitewater Schools: Paltry “Community Input”

Update, 2.10.20 – Since this post, the location has now been changed to Whitewater High School’s more spacious and inviting library. There’s a story in a local newspaper about a public forum for community input on the search for a permanent Whitewater school district administrator. Here’s the beginning of the newspaper’s account of the district’s efforts:…