School District

Dr. Steinhaus vs. Student: Student Wins!

Despite her condescension toward a student’s message sent to this website about staff layoffs at our school district, a review of Whitewater District Administrator Steinhaus’s own compensation shows that the student — not Steinhaus — has the better argument. It’s quite a match-up — Fancy administrator and Doctor of Education, Leslie Steinhaus versus Decent, all-American,…

Dr. Steinhaus’s Glass House

District Administrators in glass houses… On Monday, I posted a letter from a student who felt that staff cuts should not have been made without reductions in administrative compensation. Dr. Steinhaus now complains that the administration has not received a pay increase, as the student suggested. She’s foolish to highlight the issue. Too funny, really,…

About that “Whippet”….

I’ve been writing at FREE WHITEWATER for nearly two years, and I’ve described all sorts of galling, shocking, or just plain ridiculous events. No need for thanks — it’s my pleasure, I’m sure. Yet, I’ve never encountered a fraud quite so disturbing as the one that dupes unsuspecting visitors to the website of Whitewater High…

Judge: Wisconsin School District Violated Open Meetings Law

A rural Wisconsin school district has been found to have violated Wisconsin’s open meetings law. The law applies to public school districts, as it applies to cities and towns. (Information on our open meetings law is available through the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council link of the left sidebar of this website.) Link

On the School Administrator Candidates: Websites, &c.

Here are a few additional links and comments on the search for a new WUSD Administrator.  First, thanks very much to all those who’ve written, or spoken to me, about yesterday’s posts on the WUSD search, public forums, and candidate receptions.  I get a good bit of mail, but I cannot often tell beforehand which…

On the School District Administrator Candidates: Press Coverage

There have been a few newspaper stories about the two final candidates for our next school district administrator. At both the Janesville Gazette and the Daily Union, there were mid-March announcements of the two finalists. See, in the Janesville Gazette, “Whitewater superintendent finalists announced,” and from the Daily Union, “Whitewater picks two superintendent finalists.” The…

Lincoln School — Special Apology Post

Well, I had a letter from a super angry curious Lincoln Leopards booster this morning. (He’s a longtime reader and prior correspondent, actually, and his message was much appreciated.) He wrote to observe that coverage at Free Whitewater seems to focus disproportionately on Washington School, to the exclusion of Lincoln School (home of the Leopards)…

Results of the Primary for the Wisconsin DPl Superintendent’s Office

The AP reports on the primary for Superintendent of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.  AP Writer Scott Bauer’s lede is “Evers, Fernandez easily advance in school race.”  Well, yes, Arch-Bureaucrat Tony Evers and Home School advocate Rose Fernandez easily outpaced three other minor candidates (Van Mobely, Price, and Holtz).  (See,   What’s surprising…

The Wisconsin Superintendent’s Race

Recently, The Phantom Stranger wrote and asked me what I thought of the race for the Wisconsin Department of Instruction’s meddlesome bureaucrat superintendent post.  Today’s the primary, and there’s no better day to run down the compelling choices that await Wisconsin voters.  There are five candidates running.  The Oshkosh Northwestern offers a “Q&A: State school…

On the School District and its Administrator

You may have noticed, here or there, that our District Administrator will leave her post at the end of this school year, on June 30th, 2009.  It was widely circulated over the weekend, and I alluded to it on my Monday morning Daily Bread post.  (A school board meeting about contractual matters involving unrepresented parties…