School District

A Foundation or Endowment for the Public School District

A foundation or endowment for the school district is a good idea. Funds raised through private means might reduce pressure of the public budget to accommodate desirable, but not core, spending needs. A foundation might be preferable, as it would be more independent of political, school board control. There are always (manageable) risks that a…

On Public Education

Here are some quick remarks, in no decided order. A few are remarks that I have made previously. I’ll cover the school district more in the future. Choice of school and teacher is preferable, whenever possible. Choice improves efficiencies within an organization, even if it does not lead to alternatives to the organization. Federalization of…

The Technology Plan for the Whitewater Schools.

One seldom encounters the technology-hating, outside of ascetic communes, environmental rallies, and shacks in Montana. Most people want technological progress. Americans are justifiability proud of our advanced technology, the envy of the world, and the product of our productive, free-market economy. No one wants an abacus instead of a computer, or a slow computer instead…

The IT Dead End in Our Schools

Charlie Barr, the Technology Coordinator for the Whitewater Schools, recently presented at the school board meeting on the status and goals for computer technology in the district. Where to begin? Barr has done more to tie the district to a single operating system (any possible iteration of the Microsoft OS) and single hardware vendor (a…

Hiring Committees in the Whitewater Unified School District.

Under District Administrator Leslie Steinhaus, the public school hires teachers — or principals — through an interview panel. That’s common; many public bodies, and private companies, conduct interviews through a panel with several interviewers. You may be surprised to learn, however, that an interview panel for teachers or principals might include, for example, a building…