
A View from the International Space Station

(21 July 2013) Storm clouds over Southern California. Early morning lightning can be seen as a white blotch just to the right of center. The yellow colored area, beneath the grey clouds, which almost shines because of night lights, is part of the highly populated area of Los Angeles and San Diego.

Happy Birthday, Copernicus

Google celebrates Nicolaus Copernicus’s 540th birthday today with a Google Doodle illustrating the heliocentric universe: Unlike the doodle above, the one on their main search page is animated. They’ve also a link to search for Copernicus’s scientific accomplishments and investigations of the natural order.

Another triumph of Elon Musk’s private SpaceX

America’s most extraordinary accomplishments in space lie yet ahead, and private efforts like the ones from SpaceX are among those forthcoming accomplishments. Just one example is SpaceX’s Grasshopper vertical takeoff, vertical landing capability. Step by step, SpaceX has been perfecting VTVL capability for rockets, thereby reducing recovery times, improving recovery safety, and cutting refurbishing costs…

Curiosity Mars Rover Mission: NASA Live Television on UStream

Engadget offers the schedule for NASA’s Mars mission: “NASA TV will be broadcasting the event onUstream, offering commentary from the minds behind the rover, as well as audio from mission control. The Curiosity Cam, which runs from 11:30PM until 2:00AM EST and 3:30AM to 4:30AM EST, will offer commentary from the scientists and engineers behind Curiosity,…

Can office dogs reduce stress?

Perhaps they can — According to a preliminary investigation published in March in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Business, employees who bring their dog to the office can cap the amount of stress experienced during the day, and improve job satisfaction for all…. Those who…

Go Curiosity!

NASA’s Administrator, Charles Bolden, has recorded a video for the employees of his agency, encouraging them to share excitement over the Curiosity rover’s upcoming August 2012 landing on Mars. It’s called, ‘Go Curiosity.’ The video announces a press kit available to NASA employees, so that they can talk about the mission with friends and neighbors.…