
Recent Tweets, 7.8 to 7.14

13 Jul @DailyAdams Amazon same-day delivery: How the e-commerce giant will destroy local retail Slate Magazine 13 Jul @DailyAdams UFO sightings are more common than voter fraud | Mother Jones 13 Jul @DailyAdams 57 new food items at WI State Fair this year, including pork donut #porkdonut 13 Jul @DailyAdams Joe Paterno,…

Recent Tweets, 7.1 to 7.7

Jul 7 @DailyAdams Obama’s not Carter #closeelection Jul 7 @DailyAdams BBC News – Is the paperless office possible?  Jul 6 @DailyAdams Wisconsin in 100-degree weather: Axe-wielding man evicts naked squatter from camp site   Jul 5  @DailyAdams The Declaration of Independence Annotated Randy Barnett @ Volokh Conspiracy  Jul 4 @DailyAdams Nine Things You Never Knew About the…

Recent Tweets, 6.24 to 6.30

Jun 29 John Adams @DailyAdams Seems right – Nate Silver: In Health Ruling, Relief for Obama but a Blow to Conventional Wisdom 28 Jun John Adams @DailyAdams Jack Shafer on ‘Serving the Supreme Court dough before it’s baked’ 28 Jun John Adams @DailyAdams Oops: CNN News Staffers Revolt Over Erroneous Supreme Court Coverage…


Two quick housekeeping notes for a Saturday morning. First, I’ve adopted a single Twitter feed for my websites, because it seems simpler and less fussy. I’ll be on Twitter @dailyadams. Second, I’ve added a blog category for Green Energy Holdings, as there will be much to write about that company and its recently-announced proposal for…

Recent Tweets, 6.3 to 6.9

8 Jun @FREEWHITEWATER Nate Silver’s Election Forecast: Obama Begins with Tenuous Advantage – 6 Jun @FREEWHITEWATER The (Red) State, the (Blue) City « FREE WHITEWATER 6 Jun @DailyAdams Geoff Neale: The Embarrassing New Libertarian Chairman | Daily Adams #bigmistake 4 Jun @dailywisconsin ACLU of Wisconsin: Election protection hotline will be live on…

Recent Tweets, 5.20 – 6.3

3 Jun RT@dailywisconsin Bizarre: Weekend before recall election, State Journal’s top story is about a 78-year-old juggler 31 May RT@dailywisconsin But no Obama – source to WisPolitics: Clinton to campaign for Barrett tomorrow in Milwaukee 30 May @FREEWHITEWATER The Fitzgerald-Compas Debate in the 13th Senate District » FREE WHITEWATER #wirecall 29 May…

Recent Tweets, 5.13 to 5.19

17 May RT @badgrammar “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” -Theodore Roosevelt. 16 May @DailyAdams RIP The Unlimited Data Plan Dream is Dead 16 May ?@DailyAdams It Costs $99 [extra!] to Make Windows Work Right 16 May @dailywisconsin Walker 50-44 over Barrett, Obama & Romney tied in WI…

Recent Tweets, 4.29 to 5.12

11 May @dailywisconsin Baldwin 38%? Dubious @js_newswatch: Rasmussen Senate poll: Thompson over Baldwin, 50%-38% 11 May @DailyAdams Japanese invent ice bra for women without air conditioning 9 May @DailyAdams Nebraska man changes name to Tyrannosaurus Rex 8 May @dailywisconsin REMATCH: Barrett wins Democratic primary, will face Walker in recall – JSOnline…

Recent Tweets, 4.22 to 4.28

26 Apr @DailyAdams So maybe these scandals can get worse: Brazilian prostitute plans to sue US Embassy Retweeted by FREEWHITEWATER 25 Apr @dailywisconsin Dem candidates forum: older man walks aisles, asks if anyone wants La Follette button – It’s Doug La Follette himself! Retweeted by FREEWHITEWATER 25 Apr @dailywisconsin Full house at UW Whitewater…

Recent Tweets

Apr 19 John Adams @DailyAdams Daunting – Chart of the Day: The Great Recession is Still Nowhere Near Over 19 Apr John Adams @DailyAdams Koch-Funded Americans for Prosperity rushes to bolster ALEC | Daily Adams #ruinalltheytouch

Recents Tweets, 3.18 to 3.24

Mar 23 @DailyAdams The Koch Brothers’ Political Avarice | Daily Adams #koch #libertarian Retweeted by FREEWHITEWATER 22 Mar @DailyAdams Suddenly not free-market at all: The Right and Immigration | Daily Adams #immigration Retweeted by FREEWHITEWATER 22 Mar @DailyAdams Libertarians who support immigration restrictions simply aren’t libertarian; they’re conservatives Retweeted by FREEWHITEWATER 22…

Recent Tweets, 3.11 to 3.17

15 Mar Innovation Center Exec Director Admits Building’s ‘Major Accomplishment’ Was Taking $11.5 Million in Public Money 13 Mar After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica Stops the Presses – 12 Mar Where are all the libertarians coming from? | Daily Adams 12 Mar Second Pre-Election Video Shows Walker Saying He Will Negotiate…