
Certainly Not Dog’s Best Friend

There’s a sad story about a dog that was locked in a hot car yesterday – in temperatures outside that were in the eighties – when its owner left to attend a court date. She has another one now. See, Woman Arrested After Dog Dies in Locked Car.

Update 2: The Outgoing Wisconsin Administration’s Cronyism (Will the Regents Let a Shady Selection Go Ignored?)

Here’s an update to the story about the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s hiring of a Doyle Administration official — with an offer letter to that official — before he had even sent in a resume. Wisconsin Assembly representative Nass subsequently called on the Wisconsin Attorney General, J.B. Van Hollen, to investigate. For prior posts, see Update:…

“A Better Welcome for Our Nation’s Immigrants”

At the Washington Post, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Harvard professor of public policy Robert Putnam have an essay entitled, A Better Welcome for Our Nation’s Immigrants. It’s an historically sound reflection on immigrants in America, with recommendations for public policy: Immigration has always caused frictions and controversies: “On our national birthday, and amid…

Baby Red Panda Born at National Zoo | Wired Science |

There’s a story a Wired Science about a red panda recently born at the National Zoo. Lisa Grossman writes that, “[d]espite their name, red pandas (Ailurus fulgens, also called “lesser panda,” “bear cat” and “firefox”) are more closely related to raccoons than to giant pandas. They live in cool bamboo forests in the Sichuan and…

Discussing the Death of Decency on CNBC’s Powerlunch

In Nick Gillespie Discusses the “Death of Decency” On CNBC’S Powerlunch, Reason’s Gillespie contends that although popular entertainment has grown coarser, there are many positive social trends that are moving in the right direction. I agree on both counts, and I’d suggest that if pop culture has grown coarser, the answer is change in private…

Chimpanzees: Cuddly Primates or Vicious Killers? Vicious Killers!

They only look cute to dupe humanity into a false sense of complacency: The truth is far more sinister: A recent story in the New York Times, entitled, Chimps, Too, Wage War and Annex Rival Territory, describes accurately how dangerous chimpanzees can be. It’s about time someone wrote honestly and forthrightly about the chimp menace.…

Wayne Allyn Root: A Libertarian Star Who Drives Libertarians Crazy

David Weigel of the Washington Post‘s “Right Now” blog (covering conservatives more than libertarians) writes about press coverage of Wayne Allyn Root, former vice presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in 2008. Root has never been popular — that’s a kind understatement — with left-leaning libertarians. (They see him as a crypto-Republican. He is, however,…

Milwaukee County’s Immoral Utilitarianism: Update 12 (On Cue, the Self-Exonerating Study)

An embattled public official will resort to a few quick — but increasingly ineffective — techniques to distract the public from official incompetence, mistakes, abuses, and injuries inflicted on ordinary citizens. One is to demonize anyone who questions official conduct, including courageous and honest public officials. The second is to produce — right from a…