
The Wisconsin Meteor of ’10

I’m sure that everyone in Wisconsin has seen video of a meteoro streaking across our skies. Here are two followup stories. First, over at Walworth County Today, there’s a story about discovered meteorites that have struck Wisconsin since the 1860s. See, Walworth County meteorite of ’55 struck near Zenda. Second, here’s a story about a…

Teaching Euclidean Geometry

Consider a classroom, with a teacher of Euclidean geometry. The teacher lectures on the Elements, and summarizes the work, book by book. The description of the first ten books is conventional and unremarkable. However, when the teacher comes to book eleven, he tells the students that it’s about Euclid’s postulate of wavy lines, that undulate…

NBA to Start Charging Teams for Free Throws

From the Onion, America’s Finest News Source, comes word of an NBA rules change to increase league revenue: NEW YORK—In an effort to increase the league’s revenue and offset the expensive cost of foul shots, commissioner David Stern announced Monday that the NBA would begin charging teams a $50 fee per free throw attempt. “We…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 3-24-10

Good morning, The forecast for Whitewater calls for a mostly sunny day with a high of fifty-seven degrees. In Wisconsin history, the Wisconsin Historical Society reports that Wisconsin resident Harry Houdini was born on this day, in 1874: 1874 – Harry Houdini Born On this date magician Harry Houdini was born in Budapest, though he…

Sunshine Week, March 14 – 20

Across America, it’s Sunshine Week, a “national initiative to open a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information.” Those who work for open government through efforts like Sunshine Week do so because they love their country and wish to fortify America’s tradition of liberty. See,

Reagan on Equality

I saw recently that a senate candidate, in the Democratic party’s primary in California, quoted Reagan on equality.  The candidate mentioned that Reagan had once said that equality required not merely formal equality before the law, but that people believed that they were “equal in the eyes of each other.”  I could not remember hearing…