
The Free Speech Victory in Citizens United

On January 21st,  the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision in Citizens United, following oral argument in March, and re-argument in September.   The decision is controversial (sometimes unfairly through misunderstanding), but is a welcome recognition of First Amendment principles. I have mentioned the case at least once before,  after the original oral…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, WI: 1-20-10

Good morning, The forecast for Whitewater today is for a wintry mix — snow, freezing drizzle, and sleet — with a high of 30 degrees. Friends of the Mounds, a group encouraging people to help maintain and preserve Whitewater’s only archaeological site, the Whitewater Indian Mounds Archaeological Park on Indian Mounds Parkway meets tonight at…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 1-15-10

Good morning, Whitewater’s forecast calls for a cloudy day, with a high in the low thirties. In our schools today, it’s Coffee with the Principal, held at 8:30 AM at each of the five schools within our district. On this day in Wisconsin history, as recounted at the Wisconsin Historical Society’s website, a national accomplishment:…

Is Martha Coakley committed to justice? – Radley Balko –

Over at, libertarian Radley Balko comments on the dubious career of Massachusetts candidate for the U.S. Senate, Martha Coakley. A career prosecutor, she has been connected to some of the worst criminal justice abuses in Massachusetts history. Like other ambitious prosecutors, she’s tried to parlay her conduct into proof that she’s tough on crime.…

Update: “Don’t Bring a Gun to a Snowball Fight.”

In late December, I posted a video of a Washington, D.C. police officer who unholstered his gun in a confrontation with snowball throwers. See, “Don’t Bring a Gun to a Snowball Fight. There’s an update to the story, from Reason‘s Radley Balko, entitled, “The D.C. Snow Job.” Here’s the situation that snowy day, as Balko…

Marine says winning in Afghanistan is possible — GazetteXtra

No one hopes for peace more than libertarians do. Afghanistan has been a long war, stretching out over so many years, against a despicable enemy. One hopes for success, that America’s work will be done. A story on a local marine officer who served in Afghanistan, and believes success is possible, is available online at…