
Umm, Excuse me, Whitewater Planning Commission: Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing, Chapter 1 (Introduction)

Good afternoon, Master Planners of Whitewater!  I’m sure that you’re busy today, designing a new interstate highway system, Lincoln Tunnel, Hoover Dam, etc., but I thought I’d write with comments on a fine book: Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing.  As you’ve heard, our city administration has declared housing Whitewater’s biggest problem.  William Tucker’s work is…

District 9

Director Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 is set for release on August 14th.  I think it’s likely to be a surprise hit.  The South African director’s science fiction film recounts the arrival and confinement, to the title’s residential district in Johannesburg, of a group of peaceful extraterrestrials who land nearby.  They languish in District 9 for…

People (and Cats) Licking Ice Cream Cones: The Inappropriate Behavior That Threatens Us All!

  Shocked?    I’ve heard people espouse all sorts of rules of conduct, of propriety.  One will hear that people should not chew gum, talk about religion or politics at table, etc.  It’s always a lecture about what’s appropriate, proper, civilized.  Often, it’s about what’s not appropriate, from a scold’s point-of-view — there’s often someone to…

Cats: Super Smart

There’s story, entitled “Cats ‘exploit’ humans by purring” on the BBC website.  The study to which the BBC refers, one conducted at the University of Sussex, contends that  Researchers at the University of Sussex have discovered that cats use a “soliciting purr” to overpower their owners and garner attention and food. Unlike regular purring, this…

Daily Bread: July 8, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater In Wisconsin history on this date, the first, but perhaps not last, time someone in Wisconsin considered himself a king: 1850 – James Jesse Strang Crowned King On this date James Jesse Strang, leader of the estranged Mormon faction, the Strangites, was crowned king; the only man to achieve such a title…

Wisconsin State Journal Opinion: Guv’s Sloppy Records Don’t Fly

I posted yesterday on Governor Doyle’s failure to comply with state travel expense policies. The State Journal correctly observes that “Everyone else has to carefully document their business travel expenses. So should Wisconsin’s governor.” Until then, he’s free to try Whitewater’s failed political culture of double standards, excuse-making, and blame-shifting. Guv’s Sloppy Records Don’t Fly

Alzheimer’s Association: Understand the Activity Needs of Persons with Dementia — Program for Professionals

I received the following press release that I am happy to post:  Understand the Activity Needs of Persons with Dementia  Program for professionals to offer guidance and insight Milwaukee, WI – June 25, 2009 – The Racine / Kenosha Professionals Dementia Care Network, a program of the Alzheimer’s Association, and the Racine County Aging and…

Patrolling the Downtown in Summer During a Great Recession

In our small town, with the added needs of customers at cafés during the summer, there is no reason leaders of our police department could not patrol regularly in the summer. If we are short-staffed, then those who lead might regularly walk through our downtown. To whom much is given, much is expected. Not the…

The Politicians and Bureaucrats Who Know Better

It’s odd and funny sometimes how a merchant will hear, from some on Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Common Council, how his or her business desires are not legitimate, not the right desires. Not from everyone in office, but from some. This took two forms at the June 16th Common Council meeting. First, one heard from our oldest…

Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Café Scene

Our last Common Council meeting is available online.  (See, Whitewater Common Council, 6/16/09.)   Over half an hour into the meeting, there was discussion of sidewalk cafés for some establishments near the Cravath lakefront.  The Council had a first reading of an amendment to the local ordinance application to these cafés.  There were two proposed changes…

Why is an Agenda So Short (and Careless)?

I’ve some catching up to do on our last Common Council meeting.  The last Police and Fire Commission meeting had a posted agenda so short that it was easy to tease about it.  The agenda crammed item after item, including two police officer interviews, into a proposed 20 minute window.  (See, Whitewater’s Latest Police and Fire Commission…