
Whitewater Common Council Meeting for 9/2: Student Housing (Part 2)

On Neighborhood Associations.  The Housing Task Force encouraged the creation of neighborhood associations.  These associations will be well intentioned, but when they act on their own, they’ll risk overly intrusive actions toward their neighbors.  When they seek action from the city, they find either too much or too little support.  When they’re on their own,…

Student Housing in Whitewater: Our Mistaken and Repetitive Approach

There are two stories from yesterday’s Janesville Gazette that describe the pressures of student housing: Students Spread Out in Whitewater City, School Address Housing Concerns. The stories ably describe arguments that residents of Whitewater have have made against student housing for years with no change in demand. I certainly don’t believe that demand for student…

The Debate on a Lower Drinking Age

I am unsure if America would benefit if states could lower the drinking age to 18 without federal penalty, but I am sure the current restrictions are a failure. Recently, a group of college presidents from among 100 of America’s finest schools called for a debate on lowering the drinking age to 18. Note that…

Support Whitewater’s Make a Difference Day: October 3, 2008

Here’s an announcement that I received that I’m happy to post — it’s a request for projects for the UW-W’s Make a Difference Day. Here are the particulars — Who: UW-Whitewater Campus and Whitewater Community Members When: Friday, October 3, 2008 Where: Whitewater, Wisconsin On Friday, October 3, 2008 volunteers from the UW-Whitewater students and…

The Campaign Against Cars Campus

We’re a university town. There are a few who want desperately for us to be something else, but those wants scarcely matter. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is a vital part of Whitewater. Our campus – yes, our campus – improves life for all of us. Thousand of students receive an education that’s part of the…

Common Council Meeting for September 4, 2007

Here’s my commentary on the Common Council meeting for September 4th. It was quite an evening. Drive-Through. The lively topic Tuesday was Council’s review of a Planning Commission endorsement (4-2) of a drive-through window for liquor sales at the Westsider. (I posted previously on the Planning Commission meeting where this recommendation was issued.) After a…

The University

We are scarcely one community, but several: a town itself divided, and divided again from the campus in its very midst. Whitewater has fourteen thousand residents, and of that latest number, a few thousand are college student residents. Out total population would be noticeably lower without those university students. Our local society and economy depend…