Consultants, Presentations, Politicians, Funding, and Construction

Post 21 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. Sometimes a proposal, with its attendant consultants, presentations, supportive politicians, taxpayer funding, and construction plans takes on an…

The Scope of Donohue’s Work (Part 2)

Post 20 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. Yesterday’s post embedded the first of several memoranda that Donohue prepared for the City of Whitewater for wastewater…

The Scope of Donohue’s Work (Part 1)

Post 19 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. We’re now at the beginning of an examination of the current proposal from Donohue and Associates of Sheboygan,…

The Once and Present Vendor

Post 18 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. One might, as in the picture above, see only the rich colors of a forest; looking more closely,…


Post 17 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. Month after month, in the first half of 2014, after behind-the-scenes discussions in 2013, vendor Trane presented to…

The View from Lexington, Massachusetts

Post 17 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. Whitewater’s had a series of small meetings with designated groups, and two meetings with invitations to the public,…


Post 16 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. Independent Third Party from John Adams on Vimeo. To see the direction a project takes, and the momentum…

A Wastewater Plant Update

Post 15 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. A Wastewater Plant Update from John Adams on Vimeo. By 5.20.14, vendor Trane had a contract to plan…

2014 Borrowing Projects for Whitewater

Post 14 in a series. When Green Turns Brown is an examination of a small town’s digester-energy project, in which Whitewater, Wisconsin would import other cities’ waste, claiming that the result would be both profitable and green. 2014 Borrowing Projects for Whitewater from John Adams on Vimeo. Recap: Trane received both a contract for a…

Meetings & Motivations

Post 11 in a series. This is series about a proposed digester energy project for Whitewater, one that would rely on importing other cities’ unwanted waste into Whitewater for processing. A series like this is only indirectly about general wastewater upgrades, at whatever price. It’s about waste importation, and officials’ claims that importation would be clean…

Trane Presents an Energy-Savings Contract

Post 10 in a series. Trane Presents an Energy-Savings Contract from John Adams on Vimeo. Recap: On 11.5.13, city officials in Whitewater met privately with three construction or engineering vendors (Trane, Black & Veatch, Donohue) and at least one major waste-hauler to discuss importing waste from other cities into Whitewater for a digester energy project.…

Whitewater’s Common Council Votes to Fund a Vendor Study

Post 9 in a series. Whitewater’s Common Council Votes to Fund a Vendor Study from John Adams on Vimeo. In this post, I’ll look at the Council’s decision to pay Trane at least $70,000, and up to approximately $150,000, so that Trane could fund its own feasibility study of a digester energy project for Whitewater.…