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6 years ago

This SC election is a little weird. It was no particular secret that Hagedorn has some bigoted tendencies. A bit of lower-level Googling is all it takes to figure this out. Is this the best the R-Team could come up with?

When you are so bigoted that the WI Realtor Association wants nothing to do with you and demands its money back, that is way over-the-top bigoted. WRA is no stranger to bigots, and is the cause of much of the SC bullshit in the past, like the non-recusal “rules”. Them getting out front on this suggests that there is more to come, regarding Brian. What could it be? WRA has a very strong stomach when it comes to SC candidates.

Will other right-wing operations like WMC, the Bradley Foundation, and the Kochs bail on Hagedorn, too? WRA backing out might be the first stage of orphaning Hagedorn. I guess I can only dare to dream…

Walker has been Hagedorn’s sole sponsor for what little career he has had. Walker also appointed Dan Kelly, who is up in 2020. If Hagedorn flames out this time, that will be a seminal election. Being Walker’s boy does not have the luster it once had. The SC flipping would eviscerate R-Team policies, fast.