Chrysler Car Ads for Tea Party Supporters: Hard to Believe Anyone is that Impressionable

There’s a story at CBS news about how Chrysler is using ads in which an actor portraying George Washington drives a Dodge Charger. The ad is – wait for it – supposedly an effort to appeal to political supporters of the Tea Party movement.

Even if Chrysler hadn’t accepted billions in bailout money – and they did – I don’t see how any political party’s supporters would buy a Chrysler because an actor dressed up like Washington.

Although not a member of the Tea Party, I would guess that not one of them will be swayed in favor of that shaky auto company because of this ad.

I’d be more inclined to think the story a spoof than the ad campaign one that’s truly supposed to appeal to the Tea Party. (The question mark in the story’s title gives the game away.)

Here’s the story – Chrysler Ad an Appeal to the Tea Party?

What do you think: Inspired or Insipid?


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