Conflicts of Interest in Medicine and Small-Town Politics

At the Wisconsin State Journal, there’s an investigative report about a doctor entitled, University of Wisconsin Cancer Researcher Quits Amid Conflict of Interest Investigation.

Reporter Doug Erickson summarizes the issue: “A prominent UW-Madison cancer researcher [Dr. Minesh Mehta] has abruptly resigned after university officials began investigating a potential conflict of interest involving his outside business interests.”

Best quote, from Dr. Eli Glatstein, a critic of the researcher, that Glatstein’s

beef was not just with Mehta but with “a generation of people who don’t seem to recognize a conflict of interest when it smashes them in the mouth.”

Dr. Glatstein, do I ever know what you mean! I’m a blogger from small-town Whitewater, Wisconsin, and we’re the conflict-of-interest capital of the planet.

Sure, you’re a prominent doctor, from a big school, and you travel in august circles. It’s still not enough — no many how many conflicts you discover, you’re living in a Sahara compared to the rich, lush Amazon of conflicts in which I live.

I wish you the best, Dr. Glatstein, and hope that you continue to stick up for sound principles. If you’d ever like a tip or two, however, feel free to write. I’d happy to help.

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