Considering Janesville: An American Story (Part 1 of 14)

This is the first in a series of posts considering Amy Goldstein’s Janesville: An American Story. Bloggers have the luxury of time, so I’ll happily use that abundance to write at length on Goldstein’s book, one for which many have been waiting these last few years.

Before beginning, though, I’ll post an introduction to the book from the Washington Post, where Goldstein is a reporter (she was part of  a “team of Washington Post reporters awarded the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting for the newspaper’s coverage of 9/11 and the government’s response to the attacks. She was also a 2009 Pulitzer Prize finalist for national reporting for an investigative series she co-wrote with her colleague Dana Priest on the medical treatment of immigrants detained by the federal government.”)

See, at that paper, JANESVILLE: AN AMERICAN STORY: When the nation’s oldest operating General Motors plant closes, residents emerge from the Great Recession into an uncertain future. I think the story is a concise overview to the book, and gives a good sense of Goldstein’s outlook.

I’ll also recommend an interview with Goldstein on the Joy Cardin Show of Wisconsin Public Radio.

See, at the WPR website, Exploring Human Consequences Of GM Plant Closure In Janesville, including a link to the audio of the interview.

Tomorrow: Considering Janesville: An American Story (Part 2 of 14).

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