Cosmetology Nannies, Part 2: Expensive Courses for Eyebrow Threading

Here’s the second of two posts on cosmetology. (I’ll tackle all manner of topics at FREE WHITEWATER.)

The post is about a Texas salon owner who is among those who brought a venerable practice, eyebrow threading, to the Lone Star state.

It may seem new to us, but it has been practiced safely abroad, and American customers have come to like it, too. (Eyebrow threading doesn’t use chemicals, as do current, entrenched procedures.)

Regrettably, regulators want to force eyebrow threaders to submit to expensive classes that they don’t need, and that would not address eyebrow threading specifically, or they’ll shut the practitioners down.

These expensive classes enrich the government-approved course provider, but have nothing to do with eyebrow threading.
State requirements like this are a threat to economic liberty and consumer choice, but a boon to course providers.

The video is from the Instititute for Justice.

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