Culinary Freedom

I’ve written before about how hard it is buy drink raw milk, for example, in a dairy state. People are, and should always be free, to advocate for one kind of food, or diet, over another. What, though, about the insistence that people must eat a certain way, and the use of government power to deny a person the ability to choose the kind of food he wants?

That’s the subject, among others, of an interview that Nick Gillespie of Reason conducted with Liz Williams, the founder and president of New Orleans’ Southern Food and Beverage Museum.


Here’s a description accompanying the video:

The forces of neo-Prohibitionism are afoot everywhere, seeking to minimize not just our choices when it comes to food and drink, but our very pleasure. In San Francisco, health officials have cracked down on high-end bars that make their own bitters. In New York, raw eggs have been banned from use in cocktails such as sloe gin fizzes. When will it ever stop?

To get a sense of the range and causes of the neo-Prohibitionist mind-set, Reason’s Nick Gillespie talked with unabashed culinary freedom fighter Liz Williams, the founder and president of New Orleans’ own Southern Food and Beverage Museum.

Williams believes we are what we eat, and we should be free to eat and drink what we want. She is a lawyer by training, has served as a Judge Advocate General in the U.S. Army, and is the author of the forthcoming book The Encyclopedia of Law and Food.

Approximately 44 minutes.

This discussion was part of Reason Weekend, an annual conference held by Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes This year’s event took place in New Orleans from April 15-18 in New Orleans.

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