Daily Bread 3.11.11

Good morning,

It’s a mostly sunny day for Whitewater today, with a high temperature of forty-two degrees.

The Comment Forum will be on hiatus today, but back next week.

The New York Times recalls that on this day in 1941, President Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease Bill:

Five minutes after the bill was signed the President approved a list of undisclosed quantities of war materials to be transferred at once from the American Army and Navy to the British and the Greeks, to bolster these powers in their life-and-death struggle with the Axis. Most of these first materials, the nature of which the President guarded, will go to Great Britain. Having thus promptly set the machinery to motion toward making the United States “the Arsenal of democracy,” Mr. Roosevelt began work on a request to be sent to Congress tomorrow for an immediate appropriation of $7,000,000,000 with which to press the lease-lend effort to the fullest possible extent under the new law.


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