Daily Bread: April 1, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

It’s April 1st, traditionally a day of pranks and jokes. I’d had thought of going that route myself with a post, but I’ll refrain from that course. The forecast is for a chance of rain or snow, with a high of 39 degrees. That’s joke enough. The calendar says spring, but the weather says midwest spring.

It’s election day across the state. In Whitewater, voters have choices in municipal, county, and statewide races. These races include a contentious Wisconsin Supreme Court contest. No contest in the city is similarly heated.

The Common Council meeting typically held tonight will take place on Thursday, April 3rd at 6:30 p.m. There are no scheduled public meetings today.

At 5 p.m. tonight, the FFA will hold its alumni spaghetti dinner at the high school.

The Brewers won yesterday, in ten innings, having put a lead at risk. They beat the Cubs, so all is forgiven. I’ll debut a new, sporadic feature on Brewers baseball next week, called Ballpark. I’ll cover the Brewers season, with posts appearing about once each week.

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