Daily Bread: April 28, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

The National Weather Service predicts a high of 45 degrees, with a chance of rain or snow. The Farmers’ Almanac predicts, over the period from April 28-30, “clearing skies and pleasant temperatures.”

I’ve mentioned how the way the NWS reports weather is, despite being a government agency, more flexible than the planning-oriented method at the privately-published Farmers’ Almanac. (See, Planning and Weather Forecasting.)

On the cover of the Farmers’ Almanac, there’s a designation after each author: “Philom.” I had no idea what it meant. Apparently, it’s the abbreviation for philomath, a lover of knowledge (as against wisdom), or more particularly, a seeker of facts.

The seeking of facts matters more if it leads to accurate predictions.

There are two public meetings in the City of Whitewater today. The CDA meets at 4:30 p.m., and the Planning Board meets at 7 p.m.

In our school district, there will be a 7:00 p.m. school board meeting at the district’s central office.

The Brewers are now 14-11, and 7-7 in their division. (It’s the division that counts.) I’ll catch up with a season-to-date Ballpark post soon.)

In Wisconsin history, on this date in 1958 nearly fifty members of Janesville’s police auxiliary began their training. According to the Wisconsin Historical Society, they “helped direct traffic, assisted at accidents, took notes on investigations done by official cops and were on the lookout for stolen vehicles.” The large number involved, and a mention of each auxiliary officer wearing “Civil Defense armbands,” suggests that this auxiliary force was likely part of a bigger program, of which Janesville took part.

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