Daily Bread: April 9, 2008

Good morning, Wisconsin

In public meetings in the city today, the Community Housing Task Force meets at 3:30 p.m. at the municipal building.

In our school district, the Athletic Booster Club will meet at 7 p.m. in the high school.

Since I have been posting the Daily Bread, the National Weather Service (and its vast budget) has fared well against the Farmers’ Almanac. I’m confident that the sample of a few weeks’ time is not enough, but so far so good for the NWS. For today, the NWS predicts decreasing clouds with a high of 46 degrees; the FA predicts “pleasant conditions, with sunny to partly cloudy skies.”

There’s a discussion thread over at Slashdot on “What Font Color is Best for [Your] Eyes?” Much of it is teasing about ridiculous combinations that cause eye strain, but there is a serious contention that yellow on blue is a low-strain combination. The biggest influence mentioned is not color combination, though, but contrast.

Recently, I mentioned a new environmental site called I’ve been checking back, and it’s doing very well, with a solid set of environmental news briefs.

Today is a good day in Wisconsin history — it’s the day in 1898 Curly Lambeau was born. Lambeau founded the Packers in 1919, and coached them for four decades, to the 1949 season.

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