Daily Bread: August 18, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

Public Meetings

The City of Whitewater has two public meetings scheduled today. First, the Community Development Authority Business Park Marketing Committee meets at 4 p.m. in the municipal building.

The agenda for the CDA meeting includes the following items:

1. Call to order and roll call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Update and Discussion on Applied PhD Research Targeted Marketing Campaign for the Whitewater Business Park
4. WICITS Website Re-Design Progress Update and Discussion
5. Discussion on Valuation and TID 4 Investment in Whitewater Business Park
6. Update on Corporate Drive Construction
7. Future Agenda Items
8. Adjourn

Later, at 6 p.m., the Planning Commission will meet, also in the Municipal Building.

The agenda states amendments as of of 12:20 p.m., August 14, 2008, item # 4a: Discussion of the
role of the Plan Commission Chair; and the Hallmark Building requirements (Report from the City Attorney).

The agenda for the Planning Commission meeting includes the following items:

1. Call to order and roll call.
2. Hearing of Citizen Comments. No formal Plan Commission action will be taken during this meeting although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Items on the agenda may not be discussed at this time.
3. Approval of the minutes of the July 21, 2008 meeting.
4. Reports:
a. Report from CDA Representative.
b. Report from Tree Commission Representative.
c. Report from Park and Recreation Board Representative.
d. Report from City Council Representative.
e. Report from the Downtown Whitewater Inc. Board Representative.
f. Report from staff.
g. Report from chair.
4a. Discussion of the role of the Plan Commission Chair; and the Hallmark Building requirements (report from the City Attorney).
5. Review the proposed City purchase of the property (Lot 1 of certified survey map #3925) adjacent to the city park at 511 E. Clay Street for additional parkland.
6. Hold a public hearing for consideration of a conditional use permit application for the conversion of an existing retail space to a place of assembly (church) to be located at 545 S. Putnam Street.
7. Review proposed improvements to the façade of the building located at 182 W. Main Street for David Saalsaa.
8. Re-approve one lot Certified Survey Map on Caine Street for Springbrook Apartments LLC. (This is a technical housekeeping item to allow the recording of the document because it was not recorded within 60 days of the original approval.)
9. Information:
a. Possible future agenda items.
b. Next Plan Commission meeting.
10. Adjourn.

Yesterday in Wisconsin history, in 1936, Wisconsin issued its first unemployment check. The account is available at the website of the Wisconsin Historical Society. What’s inspiring about that moment is how the recipient turned a profit, so to speak, on the check:

On this date the state of Wisconsin issued the first Unemployment Compensation Check in the United States for the amount of $15. The recipient was Neils N. Ruud who then sold it to Paul Raushenbush for $25 for its historical value. The check is now at the Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin was the first state to establish an Unemployment Compensation program.

The National Weather Service, predicts a high in of around 86 with sunny skies. The Farmers’ Almanac is in the middle of a multi-day series with the prediction of hot & dry, then turning wet.

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