Daily Bread: August 20, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater

There are no municipal, public meetings in Whitewater scheduled for today.

The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that on this date, a battle won helped set the stage for settlement of the Midwest, including Wisconsin:

1794 – Battle of Fallen Timbers

On this date American troops under General “Mad” Anthony Wayne defeated a confederation of Indian forces led by Little Turtle of the Miamis and Blue Jacket of the Shawnees. Wayne’s soldiers, who included future Western explorer William Clark and future President William Henry Harrison, won the battle in less than an hour with the loss of some 30 men killed. (The number of Indian casualties is uncertain.)

The battle had several far-reaching consequences for the United States and what would later become the state of Wisconsin. The crushing defeat of the British-allied Indians convinced the British to finally evacuate their posts in the American west (an accession explicitly given in the Jay Treaty signed some three months later), eliminating forever the English presence in the early American northwest and clearing the way for American expansion.

The battle also resulted in the 1795 Treaty of Greenville, in which the defeated Indians ceded to Wayne the right of Americans to settle in the Ohio Valley (although the northwestern area of that country was given to the Indians). Wayne’s victory opened the gates of widespread settlement of the Old Northwest, Wisconsin included. [Source: American History Illustrated, Feb. 1969]

Here’s today’s almanac:

Thursday, August 20, 2009 Sunrise Sunset
Official Time 06:06 AM 07:49 PM
Civil Twilight 05:36 AM 08:19 PM
Tomorrow 06:07 AM 07:48 PM
Tomorrow will be: 2 minutes shorter
Amount of sunlight: 13h 43 m
Amount of daylight: 14h 43 m
Moon phase: New Moon

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