Daily Bread: August 4, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

In our history today, from the Wisconsin Historical Society, on this day in 1862, a public riot in Wisconsin during the Civil War: “On this date the War Department issued General Order No. 99, requesting by draft 300,000 troops to reinforce the Union armies in the Civil War. This action reinforced public sentiment against the draft and prompted the citizens in Port Washington, Ozaukee County to riot in protest.”

The account brings to mind an exchange about the effectiveness of a draft, between General William Westmoreland and economist Milton Friedman:

In his testimony before the commission, Mr. Westmoreland said he did not want to command an army of mercenaries.

Mr. Friedman interrupted, “General, would you rather command an army of slaves?”

Mr. Westmoreland replied, “I don’t like to hear our patriotic draftees referred to as slaves.”

Mr. Friedman then retorted, “I don’t like to hear our patriotic volunteers referred to as mercenaries. If they are mercenaries, then I, sir, am a mercenary professor, and you, sir, are a mercenary general; we are served by mercenary physicians, we use a mercenary lawyer, and we get our meat from a mercenary butcher.”

The National Weather Service, predicts a high of 86 degrees and a chance of thunderstorms. The Farmers’ Almanac, predicts “becoming wet Great Lakes, followed by clearing.” No temperature, just a prediction of wet — around the Great Lakes, rather than in them, presumably.

The first full week of August offers a public meeting of the City of Whitewater’s Park & Recreation Board. Here’s their agenda for the meeting:

1. Roll Call and Board Introductions

2. Approval of July 7, 2008 Park and Recreation Board Minutes

3. Citizen Comments: No formal action will be taken during this meeting, although issues
raised may become part of a future agenda. Participants are allotted a 3 minute speaking
period. Specific items listed on the agenda may not be discussed at this time; however,
citizens are invited to speak to those issues as designated in the agenda.

4. Presentation and acceptance of Moraine View Park Master Plan

5. Presentation and acceptance of Mural Park Site Plan

6. Approval of Special Rental Rate Agreement for NAWF use of Downtown Armory

7. Presentation of Recreation Programs Financial Report (Winter/Spring Programs)

8. Discussion and possible action on future meeting schedule, dates and times

9. Preliminary 2009 Budget Discussion

10. Discussion and approval of Seniors In The Park Policies and Procedures

11. Discussion and approval of Starin Park Playground Capital Campaign

12. Discussion and approval of the ability for staff to approve gift certificates

12. Staff Reports:

A. Director Report (Amundson):
• Monthly Report – highlight recreation software, surveys
• Park Improvement Projects
o Walton Oaks Park Dedication, Clay Street Acquisition

B. Recreation & Community Events Programmer (Dujardin):
• Overview of T-Ball & Rookie Ball Program
• Fall Program Brochure

C. Senior Coordinator Report (Weberpal):
• Review of Tour of Area Senior Centers

13. Board and Commission Reports: No action other than possible referral to another meeting,
but there may be minimal response to Board member questions:

A. Plan and Architectural Review Commission (Stone)

B. Bike Advocacy (Ridenour)

C. Whitewater Aquatics Center (Grosinske)

D. City Council (Taylor)

14. Request for future agenda items

15. Adjourn

Comments are closed.