Daily Bread: August 8, 2008

Good morning, Whitewater

Our small municipality has no public meetings scheduled — we head into the weekend without government guidance.

The National Weather Service, predicts a high of 80 degrees and sunny. The Farmers’ Almanac, has a new series of predictions for the next few days: “Fair skies.” Let’s say it’s a match, but the imperfect match of a long-range planner: no temperature, no additional details, etc.

Today is dark, dark day for the left AND right in Wisconsin History, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society. In our history today, on this date in 1968, Wisconsin Republicans went for Nixon:

“On this date thirty Wisconsin delegates at the Republican National Convention in Miami cast their votes to nominate Richard Nixon as the Republican party presidential candidate. These thirty votes gave Nixon the majority over Nelson Rockefeller and Ronald Reagan and won for him the party nomination. Nixon selected Spiro Agnew to be his running mate.”

Nixon was inevitable, as the nominee, but anyone who picked Nixon over Reagan, ever, is just foolish

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