Daily Bread for 1.1.13

Happy New Year.

We’ll start off 2013 with a day of sunny skies and a high of only thirteen degrees.

On this day in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation took effect.

On 1.1.1836, a new territory:

1836 – Wisconsin Territory Formed
On this date the Wisconsin Territory was formed by an act of the Michigan Legislature. Brown County lost a portion of its original possession north of the Menominee River but gained the remainder of the eastern peninsula. Territorial officials were sworn on July 4th of the same year.  [Source: Sussex-Lisbon Area Historical Society]

Google-a-Day asks a history question:  “Which of Mary Stuart’s conspirators devised the plot to murder her cousin who, at the time, occupied the throne of England?”

From CNN, here’s a happy-panda-and-ball video to start the year:

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