Daily Bread for 1.10.13

Good morning.

Our forecast for Thursday calls for a high of forty-one, with an even chance of rain in the afternoon.

What happens when a deer bursts through a window and runs around a classroom? This:

On this day in 1946, the United Nations General Assembly first convened. Here’s how James Reston of the New York Times began his account of that opening session:

London, Jan. 10 — The fifty-one nations of the greatest war-time coalition in history, representing four-fifths of the people in the world, started today another chapter in man’s melancholy search for peace and security.

One hundred and forty-seven days after the close of the war that cost more than 20,000,000 casualties and left countless millions homeless, and on the twenty-sixth anniversary of the ratification of the ill-fated League of Nations Covenant, the nations met this afternoon in the blue and gold auditorium of the Central Hall of Westminster for the first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

Google-a-Day offers quite the history question: “Who ran for the office of VP on the ticket with the candidate who lost the first time to the man honored at 200 Southeast 4th Street, Abilene, Kansas?”

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